[20] Thank You, My Loving Older Brother

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Wednesday - October 12 (At School)

Vylad's P.O.V.

"Vylad! Don't you dare scare me like that ever again, got it?!" I chuckle as I walk limp, Aphmau supporting more than half of my weight.

Hissing through my teeth, I stifle a grimace to make sure Aph won't worry more than she already does... but I don't think it would help her to any extent now.

You see, how can I put this into simple words...

I fell from a flight of stairs.

Was that too blunt? I don't really know how else to word it, but anyways,

I'm pretty sure I sprained my left ankle and I'm pretty sure I broke other stuff too.

Oh and I feel blood running from my nose, that too.

Also, I feel a bruise on my cheekbone.


You know what, I'll just stop, I might give Aph a heart attack.

"It's fine, Aph, don't worry about me. I'm completely fi-"

"No, you're not!" Aphmau cuts in before I could even finish my sentence with a sharp tone, making me flinch a bit.

"Don't you understand what could've happened if you fell from the very top of the stairs?! I can't just lose you! You're extremely important to me..." Her sharp tone was replaced by a soft and vulnerable one, her voice cracking and lowering by each second.

I tilted my head slowly towards her and see her eyes glossy, lip slightly quivering with either anger or sadness. Before I could even say anything, she spoke in a barely audible whisper, "You just can't go and leave me, Vylad."

I bit my lip and eagerly nodded, "I won't."

Caught up with Aph's words, I didn't realize I accidentally took a step with my left foot, making me groan in pain and slightly stagger back.

"Vylad, are you alright?" Aph asks as her grip on my shirt tightens, once I recovered, I smiled and nodded. Though, knowing Aphmau, she didn't really believe me.

"Does your neck hurt?" I shook my head in reply, I know how fatal it is if ever I broke my neck; thank Irene I didn't. "Hang in there, okay? We're close to the nurse's office,"

Aphmau pushed the door to the nurse's office using her shoulder, and once we were inside...

The nurse wasn't the only one there, instead, there was also someone else.

Someone Aph didn't want to see.

Sitting on the edge of one of the beds in the office was Travis.

Once the door closed, the clicking sound made Travis look at us, and once he did, his eyes widened and he tried to look away, exposing his injury more.

On his left cheek and left jawline there was a fresh wound that still had splattered blood from the cut - though it was already cleaned, it looked like he was dragged against the concrete by a horse.

Me and Aph didn't move for what seemed like hours, just standing there with her grip on my shirt tightening even more, to the point of her nails digging into my skin... I didn't mind though, I was too shocked to notice.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now