[11] By The Book Vs. By Her Truth

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Monday (School Cafeteria)

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Is this what I get for leaving my friends hanging last Friday?

A realm-load of questions?

What was I supposed to do? It was 5 minutes before next class!

Glares. Wide mouths. Shaking heads. Facepalms. Disappointed fidgeting. Bulging eyes. Those were only a few of the reactions my friends gave us.

Me and Zane didn't really talk after what happened last Friday. And Irene knows there's a lot to talk about.

We didn't even talk over the weekend! Why? Because of two reasons: a) if I hang-out with him at their house, Garroth will be there and nothing but awkwardness would happen and b) if he crashes by my house, it will plainly be uncomfortable since it's only the two of us.

"Okay." Books being slammed on our table distracted me from my thoughts. Two minutes in of lunch and everything was silent, good thing Emmalyn changed that.

"I borrowed a few books-" She starts as she clumsily rummages through the "few" books she borrowed, then lazily blowing the dust on the surface of all the books to the other side of the table, covering Jeffory's face with gray particles; cringing at this, Jeffory wipes it off slowly, I stifled a laugh as I look at Emmalyn, "-Sorry, Jeffory! But as I was saying, I borrowed a few books about how two people can pretend to like each other successfully!" She says in a proud tone as she eyes both me and Zane, erupting wide-eyes from me and a snort from Katelyn.

"There are books for that?" Katelyn questions as she eyes the books while handing another tissue to Jeffory.

"As a matter of fact, Katelyn, yes." Emmalyn smiles as she takes her seat beside Kenmur.

"Wait, wait, wait, are we really avoiding the real question here? Aph, for dimension's sake, why the realm did you tell Garroth that you like Zane?!" Nicole rages as she glances at all of us, "Yeah, also Aaron~Kun and Laurance~Kun!" Kawaii~Chan hisses as she shoots daggers at me.

"They have a point, Aph; forgive me for saying this but... why Zane?!" Kiki enunciates from my left as she holds my shoulder gently. Looking at Zane who was also beside me at my right.

Well, there goes my Kiki and Zane ship.

"Guys, you're taking this out of proportion! Aphmau, why don't you just tell those 3 the truth?" Zoey reasons out in a soft tone which made a smile tug my lips, but it completely washed away at the severity of the question.

Why can't I?

Cadenza's P.O.V.

Believe me.

I am extremely disappointed in the turn of events with Aph and Laurance... Laurmau could've sailed!

But, I still need to hear her side of the story... why she did it.

"Zoey, the damage is already done!" She says in an extremely frustrated tone, running her hands through her soft hair forcefully. "And I mean, what was I supposed to say? I don't know who I would've wanted to go out with!" She says rather loudly, getting a lot of people's attention; sighing, she lowered her voice.

"I don't want them to think that I was leading them on or giving them false hope..." She says sadly as she fidgets with the buttons of her blouse, looking at every single one of us.

"Or-...Or even taking advantage of the situation..." With every word, her voice lowers into a whisper that was still loud enough for all of us to hear. Yet now, she was only looking at Vylad, who gave her a sad smile before looking down at his filled lunch tray.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now