[49] Maybe Stranger Can Be Turned Into Friend?

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College Sophomore Year (At University's Main Building)

Zane's P.O.V.

I yawned, trying my best to ignore Gene's annoying tactics to make me answer his stupid questions.

It's been a week since my 2nd year of college has started, I'm 19 already, going 20 in a few months.

Irene, I'm old.

Sure, I was still counted as a teenager, but I was approaching that "young adult" stage.

My third class of the day wasn't really something I enjoyed nor something I didn't like, it's more on the neutral type for me.

I had my second class with Gene, we decided to walk together until we needed to go our separate ways for our different classes.

I regretted it.

"Zane, why aren't you listening to me, bro?" Gene nudged me a bit, making me flinch and grunt in pain. Why am I friends with this doofus again? He was even one of my enemies in high school.

"First of all, I'm not your "bro". That description fits someone like Dante, who is actually your brother." I said, with little to no interest in my eyes.

Sometimes, his mostly evil side is getting shadowed by his partial normal person side.

"Oh, speaking of Dante... have you heard him and Nicole are finally together?" Gene says proudly, not expecting me to know this news that I've already known since summer break.

"Considering I am one of Nicole's closest friends, I already heard that news long ago." I said, scoffing a bit as he frowned, "Well at least Dante's gonna make me his best man once they get married," Woah there, tiger.

"You hated Dante for most of his life, and I'm pretty sure he still has a strong disliking towards you... so don't count on it, if anything, it would be Travis." I said before yawning once again, making him pout, "Okay, fine! Anyways, my next class is here. See ya, Zane!" Gene waves and I just nod towards his direction.

Boy, how much has Gene changed.

Entering class with a mostly bored expression, I didn't realize our professor was already there, making a lot of students storm and push pass me to take their seat. Our professor for this class was really, really strict.

Once I sat down, I yawned once more as I took out some papers, a pen, and my notebook; leaving my bag hung on my seat.

I doubt anything interesting would be happening today.

"Okay, class! Let's get started..."


"Now... I'll be handing you guys some worksheets, it's quite long but you have 35 minutes to complete it anyway-"  Our professor announces, making all of us slightly groan. If there's one thing we knew about our professor's worksheets, is that they were long, hard, and unfair, considering some of the questions weren't even discussed yet or were discussed during the 1st Semester of Freshman year.

He then hands out the papers before proceeding, "-if you are done, though; you'll be able to do whatever you want for the rest of the class, just please don't make a ruckus."

That was the only thing we liked about this class and this professor, once he was done discussing and once we completed his activities - we were free to do whatever we want, whereas in other classes, we would be given the free time to brush up on the next lesson for the next day.

"And start!" Our professor exclaims as he moves over to the front, leaning by the desk as all of us lazily or concentratedly answer the questions in the worksheet.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now