[28] Throw Her At Me, Teach!

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Friday - November 18 (At School)

Vylad's P.O.V.

I yawned as I jot down the lecture being taught in class today onto my notes. From the corner of my eye, I see Zane yawn as well from beside me.

I slightly chuckled at the sibling psychic abilities that I just confirmed, once again.

Even though Garroth and Zane wouldn't listen to me when I say it. It's their loss. They could've become superheroes with me.

Yes, superheroes.

Since it was the middle of November already, all my injuries were healed, thankfully.

Our Biology teacher was rambling on about our project on observing natural life growth, a.k.a. taking care of a fake baby for 1 or 2 weeks.

You know, the usual assignment where you and your partner needs to play mom and dad.

Damn, I need a girlfriend.

From the corner of my eye, I see Zane whisper something to Aphmau - who was also beside him, making Zane in the middle of both of us - which made her laugh.

They would make a good couple, to be honest.

But, with Aphmau's situation... I don't think a relationship will help her one bit.

I sighed in sadness for my long-time best friend.

"Okay now, I will be picking the partners. Girl and boy pairs, no boy and boy, neither girl and girl. This is Biology class, not Match.com. Bring your love lives outside the classroom." The class chuckled at our teacher's words.

I soon learned that I will be paired off with Sasha.

Welp, it's time to play both mom and dad.

Zane was also paired off with a girl I barely knew, making me grow curious about who Aphmau will be with.

I look two seats in front of me to see Travis fiddling with the papers of his notebook.

Oh no.

Please no. For both of their sakes.

Our teacher coughed before continuing, "Hmm, let's see... for Mr. Valkrum..." Our teacher stops to glare at a smirking Travis, "Throw her at me, teach!" Travis says making most of the boys in our class laugh.

"You'll be paired off with Ms. Phoenix... Aphmau."

The color drained instantly from both me and Travis' face.

The silence of the room was cut off by Aphmau's loud voice. "Sir, please let me switch! Let me be with anyone else," She protests with a slight crack in her voice.

I don't blame her... playing mom and dad for a project with Travis? That isn't fair.

"What the realm is with the two of you? Always wanting to switch to other pairs... you've been doing this for all of the classes you're with together, I heard." As our teacher says this, I feel Travis gulp before hesitantly speaking up.

"Sir, please, Aphmau is right... It would be best if we did switch partners." Travis' voice strains as he said Aphmau's name. Not uttering it in a long time.

I looked over to Aphmau with concerned and sad eyes, she smiled to me... but I knew it was forced.

I do see Zane completely and utterly confused, looking between me and Aph, occasionally looking at Travis as well.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now