[5] She's Really Something

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Thursday (At School)

Aphmau's P.O.V.

"Would anyone want to explain to me the anatomy of a Meif'wa?" Our teacher expresses energetically as he strokes his chalk against the blackboard one last time. Swiftly shaking off the dust secluded between his palms, then facing the bored minds of the teenagers.

I was fiddling my pen within my fingers, making a certain pattern.

"Even just a brief one?"

Still no answer.

"Come on guys, you have been learning this since the beginning of high school; don't let my hard work go to waste." He sighs through his words, like he's regretting wanting to teach High School Biology.

I was about to raise my hand to answer his question until a brief but reluctant buzzing erupted from my table's desk. It was my phone. I swiftly lowered my hand and got it in a quick motion.

Phone or text calls were not allowed during class, just if it's an emergency. I knew it was a bad idea, but seeing that it was from Zane made me do otherwise.

Even if he was just in the same room as I was.

I hid it under my desk as I scrolled through the digital words. My eyes scanned every letter of the text, still making sure not to get caught. I would still hear the gibber of my teacher's lesson echoing through the room, though it was a hazy tone to my ears.

Zane: You never told me who took you home yesterday

I furrowed my eyebrows at the text, is he seriously risking getting in trouble for this? I shook my head in one jolt, descending my thumbs onto the glassy screen and gliding my thumb to make a response.

Me: Aaron. Now please stop texting me or we'll get in serious trouble.


He responded almost instantly, making my eyes widen from the sound the phone released.

Zane: So... he just took you home? Nothing else?

Me: What do you mean, 'just took you home', get your mind out of the filthy gutter!

Zane: You didn't answer the question!

I was going to reply back if it weren't for the striking voice that shivered my spine and made me jump a bit from my seat.

"MISS PHOENIX, CARE TO EXPLAIN WHY YOU ARE USING YOUR PHONE WITHOUT MY AUTHORITY?" Our professor's voice boomed in all four walls of the class, startling some of my classmates who gave out short gasps.

Our teacher stood in front of me, his figure illuminating a dark shadow resting upon me, "I-I... S-Sorry-", My stutter was cut short by his voice once again booming.

"I will not take sorry as an answer. You know what? Fine, you're a good student and I know you won't let this happen again; I'll just let you off with a warning." He glares at me with frustration in his eyes and tone.

"T-Thank you, s-sir!" I uttered gratefully at my retreating teacher's figure. I mentally let out a breath I was holding in, my classmates were still staring at me like I've just killed the principal, not to mention Ivy and her friends quietly laughing at me; I growled lowly at their attitudes.

My eyes found their way to Zane, he was just crossing his arms around his body and listening to the teacher like nothing even happened.

How did he even get away with that?

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now