[21] Pinky Promise

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Thursday - October 13

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I'm freaking out.

I kept on fiddling with the hem of my dress as I stared at myself in front of my full-body mirror, biting my lip down harshly.

Today is the day where I'm going on a date with Zane.

Can you even call it a date? I mean, he did say that I could call it a hang-out or whatever...

But why does it feel more like a date?

Letting out a frustrated groan, I clench my teeth and took a look at my outfit for the millionth time since I approached the mirror.

I was wearing a lavender dress that reached up to my knees, a brown belt on my waist as part of the dress. I wore brown boots that only reached my ankle. To top it off, I had a white pearl necklace that matched my small white shoulder bag.

I don't know exactly if I looked casual or too dressed-up; after all, I could've just went with the classic jeans and top... but I decided against it and now I'm regretting.

What made me wear a dress anyways? It's not even an official-official date! This is more of a-

Ding~ Dong~

My head snapped immediately to look outside of my window, seeing Zane at the porch, I sighed and decided to go already.

Since it's still technically a weekday, my mom had work. Saving me and Zane from the wild interrogations from my dear mother; though, I doubt she'd be anything against it, she did trust Zane - for that matter, all of the Ro'Meaves - a lot with me.

Opening the door, I couldn't help but chuckle at Zane, after all, he did sorta dress up for the outing as well.

He was wearing a black hoodie with the collar of a white button up poking out of it, he wore ripped denim jeans and black vans to finish the look off.

"Damn Zane, back at it again with the-" Before I could even complete the famous line, Zane held his hand up to my face, "Don't- even... say it, Aphmau." He says as his pale blue eyes glared at me.

Chuckling once again, I grab his arm as I pull myself out of the house, locking the door after. Once I did, I let go of his arm and face him as we walk towards his car.

"So, Zane, where are we going?" I start as he opens the car door for me, I silently thank him before taking my seat inside. Just as I do, I see him grin slightly as he closes the door.

"You'll see,"

I didn't really know how to react to that, because when Zane grins... oh boy, that better mean something.

Cracking a smile is nearly impossible, but grinning? You need to score him a chance of making Pinkie Cake real for that.

Nervously laughing, I started to distract myself with the most stupid things.

"Hey Zane, is that a closet left on the sidewalk?"

"Zane, is the Tooth Fairy real?"

"Zane, Zane! I think that dog is hugging the fire hydrant,"

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now