[9] Why Does Everyone Hang-Up On Me When I Say 'Good Night'?

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Thursday (Continuation - Later Evening)

Laurance's P.O.V.

"What? Are you serious?" A muffled voice spoke from the other side of the line; earning a competent sigh from me as I plop down on the edge of my bed.

"Yes. Tomorrow; dude, I just feel like if I keep holding it in, I'll regret it! Do you get my point?" Looking everywhere in my room; it's easy to tell I could not get a hold of myself.

My eyes roamed everywhere. As I did, I saw old pictures of me and Cadenza hanging on the wall; I smiled at the sight, completely forgetting the blue-haired boy I was talking to.

"Laurance?" He snaps me out, "Huh? Um, yeah, what was that?"

I hear his sigh from the other line; making me grimace a bit at the static the sound produces – probably from his lips being too close to the phone.

"I just hope you're making the right decision by doing this, Laurance." Edging out, his voice sounds so sincere it's scary; but... he's right, I'm really hoping this is the right decision.

"I am." A smile tugs my lips for a brief second; the mood was broken – which was a good thing – when Dante laugh-yawns into the phone.

"Okay, that was a good heart-felt talk, buddy; but I better get some sleep, I still got to fix my baby tomorrow morning." I scoff at his statement, "Really, Dante? You still have time to fix your motorcycle tomorrow? You're going to be late to class you know?" I laugh as I feel him shrug from the other line.

"Eh, who cares? I don't." I scoff once more, "But you, lover boy, on the other hand needs to get some beauty sleep for your little confession to Miss Phoenix tomorrow." I scoff again, great, 3 scoffs in a minute? Wow, wait; I said scoff too many times, it doesn't sound like a word anymore: scoff... scoff... scoff?

"But seriously, good luck tomorrow; whatever happens, if this does happen, don't dwell on the fact that she didn't accept it, look at the fact that she didn't deny or reject it." My eyes widened at this; Dante... giving advice? Mother of Irene, who knew?

"Wow, Dante; didn't know you were a man of wisdom." I said, still shocked.

I mean, I don't underestimate Dante like that, it's just surprising he could say such words with that powe-

"Oh, don't worry! I just got that from a movie I watched an hour ago."

Of course... why did I expect anything?

But his words are true though, "But thanks for the advice, Dante. Good night."

I say simply as he replies with the oh-so-familiar phrase, "Good night."

Garroth's P.O.V. (A Little Bit Before Dante and Laurance's Phone Call – Ro'Meave Residence)

I hate the attic. It's full of dust and... well, more dust.

Not to mention your constant trip down memory lane.

I was currently sorting boxes out with Vylad, we needed to fix everything up in here; this place looks like it wasn't touch since I was born. Cringing at the unorganized sight before me; the boxes scattered everywhere, the constant blow of dust around, the small trinkets falling aimlessly from shelves and furniture stacked here.

...it's horrifying.

To keep me and my brother distracted, we just talked about nonsense and stuff.

By nonsense and stuff, I mean the fact that I was going to confess to Aphmau that I liked her, I didn't know when, but I hope soon.

"I'm just saying man, you better do it soon; Aph, I've been her best friend since the start of high school; even still I can't read her emotions. Girls... are unpredictable." Vylad states as the wooden floor below him creaks as he moves along it, assorting boxes and picking up bits and pieces of a fallen jigsaw puzzle.

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