[14] Let Go Of Her

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Thursday – September 8 (At School)

Gene's P.O.V.

"For Irene's sake, that was too damn easy!" Zenix chuckles from barely beside me as he puts his hands behind his head, chin up and proud as realm.

"Cocky today, aren't you?" Grinning, I continued to take the lead with empty steps echoing through the halls as Sasha and Zenix continue their exchange.

"Could you blame me?" Tilting his head to look at Sasha who was also beside me, making me in the middle. Snickering, the young beauty replied, "You're right, that class was way too boring anyways," I suddenly felt movement as a couple of brown eyes stare at me in confusion.

"Well, you're awfully quiet today, Gene... what's up?" Smirking to myself, I continued shifting my weight on each foot I use to step on the plain floor, tossing a piece of candy up-and-down from the palm of my right hand.

Silence filled the three of us as I took a quick and satisfying sniff through the secluded air of the empty halls.

"I sense a kitty alone here, somewhere..."

Sasha's P.O.V.

It was our normal routine: skipping class.

Something we did everyday with not even breaking a sweat, an easy-going task. Our ecstasy in line with the misery we live in.

So here we were, walking around the place like we owned it, towards our usual spot.

Until we just passed the exit going to it.

"Yo, Gene... I have no idea what the realm you mean but we just passed the exit," Zenix voiced out my thoughts as Gene did not once falter or flinch at his words, instead, he continued walking towards Irene knows where.

"I could beat up that kitty in no time if that's the thing that's bothering ya!" The egotistical brunette slammed his balled-up fist together with his other open palm, making a harsh sound of skin-to-skin contact.

"Zenix, are you talking about yesterday when you beat-up that wreck? You know, I did all the beating, you just did the groundwork!" I laugh as my usual partner-in-havoc shakes his head, laughing as well.

Our fit of laughter was put into a halt as Gene suddenly raised his free hand up into a 'stop' sign, stopping his walking and also ours, the candy he was throwing landing on his palm one more time before he stuffs it inside his jean pocket.

"Shut up, you two... I think the kitty finally came out of the dark," Gene chuckles lowly as he fixates his attention on a certain caramel-eyed girl, stopping her movement once she sees us before her.


Aphmau's P.O.V.

"Sir, may I please use the restroom?" I ask nonchalantly as he finishes off his last sentence about the lesson he is currently discussing. "Err, sure, go ahead Miss Phoenix." My professors says as he adjusts his glasses onto the bridge of his nose once more.

And that's why I was walking around aimlessly in the halls. My plan was just to simply use the little ladies' room and head back to class without making a fuss...

But things don't always go that way.

Going back to class, I did not expect to run into Phoenix Drop High's most notorious group...

The Shadow Knights.

Gene – Dante's older brother: Someone you never want to mess with: callous heart and a shrewd intellect.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now