[36] Who Knows?

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Sunday - January 29 (Phoenix Residence)

Zane's P.O.V.

I was hanging out with Aphmau at her place. I've been here for probably 2 hours already; by then, we played with ponies, we had an eating contest from Sylvana's delicious cooking, and we watched a movie.

Right now, we were on her bed, Aph laughing her butt off at corny jokes she got off the Internet. Aphmau couldn't help but laugh at my monotone expression to all of them.

We were also eating snacks as we did so, constantly throwing chocolate chips into each other's mouth as a challenge.

Though, it was quite awkward that we were in her bed... considering what happened in my bed that Christmas Eve.

I don't really know how to react to that situation since it's my first time experiencing it. I also didn't know if I should nonchalantly bring it up like: "Oh hey, so how do you feel about that one time we made out on my bed?"

Even I don't know how I really feel about her... or if I'm feeling anything at all right now... shouldn't I?

I was kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. So I decided against bringing it up. But I was disappointed for her not bringing it up. Knowing that if my mom hadn't knocked... that night would've ended differently.

Because of her confirmation and assurance that it was fine.

"Zane, Zane! Why did the bicycle fall over?" Aphmau asks as she giggles, looking up from here phone. I sighed boredly and said, "Why?"

Aphmau poked my cheek, "Because it was two tired!" Aphmau smiles childishly as she laughs at the joke she found off the Internet, "Oh, ha ha." I said sarcastically, making Aph laugh more.

"Where were you last week, Saturday?" I averted the topic since I couldn't take one more of her corny jokes, "Oh! That... That reminds me..." Aphmau says in a jolly tone, but I see reluctance and sadness in her eyes that I don't think she notices herself.

"I was hanging out with Garroth, Laurance, and Aaron that Saturday..." She says, on a normal occasion, I would have asked why she was hanging out with those three; but I was more curious of what she would say next.

"...Zane, they knew the couple thing was fake! We don't need to pretend to like each other anymore!"

My heart dropped.

What the realm is this feeling?

Why does it seem that I was buried under a thousand rocks?

I feel something hurt.

Like... Like it was my...

My heart.

"O-Oh... really?" There was no denying how much I tried to keep my voice even, my voice was cracking. "Yeah," Aphmau said, still jolly... but the sadness and hurt was more evident in her eyes and tone than the joy.

I cleared my throat, feeling that pain again, only ten times sharper.

"I... I g-gotta go." I tried to say, my voice failing me as I got up the bed. Aphmau tried to call out for me and go after me but I was long gone.

Why does it hurt so much?

Emmalyn's P.O.V.

"Oh my Irene, Kenmur..." I said as I stared at my phone with wide eyes and my mouth agape, the book I was reading falling from my hand.

"Em, are you seeing this?" Kenmur says, in shock as he drops his book as well. Phone in hand.

Aphmau just texted me... and probably the rest of the group about how Laurance, Garroth, and Aaron know about the lie Aphmau and Zane have been telling them.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now