[37] I'm In Love With Her

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Monday - January 30 (At School)

Zane's P.O.V.

I walked inside the front doors of school, immediately greeted by the horrors of high school.

A few more months, Zane. And you'll be out of this nether-hole.

My look was fresh but I knew my aura wasn't, what happened yesterday really got me.

I don't really know if I could just face Aphmau today either.

Vylad rode with Aphmau today while Garroth rode with Laurance, as usual.

So I was just alone in my car, having that 5-minute journey to myself.

A lot of students were still scattered about since class still wouldn't start for the next 25 minutes or so.

I immediately spotted Aphmau, having a somewhat pleasant talk with Vylad.

At the sight of Aphmau, my heart couldn't help but strike once more, making it sting a bit.

I also remember Brendan's words from yesterday. If that was really Brendan, that is.

He seemed like an alien who stole the brain of Brendan.

But still... what does he mean about me needing to figure out my feelings? Why was he so right at everything he said?

Is this really... heartbreak?

I shook my head at the crazy assumption. Yet I still stayed glued to my feet and couldn't help but stare at Aphmau a little longer.

Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, her hair so long it still reaches to about her waist - as well as the side bangs with the hairstyle; the way her uniform fits her petite form perfectly; her caramel-brown eyes that seem so sweet; her light tan skin; and... her lips. Those pink lips that I kissed with passion that night.

"Checking Aphmau out, aren't you?" I clutched my heart from surprise when I see a silver haired friend of mine say.

"Dear Irene, Zoey! Don't scare me like that! Where the realm did you even come from?!" I scream, whipping my head from side to side to check where she could've come from.

Zoey's P.O.V.

"First period on Monday's, remember?" I remind him and he just roll his eyes at this. "Yeah, but we meet up by the lockers, remember?" He said as we go on to walk towards our lockers.

Unknowingly, he continued to look at Aphmau and seemed to reflect on something.

"It's like you're not even trying to hide the fact that you're checking Aphmau out."

He blushed immediately when I noticed how he was still staring at Aphmau as we walked towards our lockers.

"You know you could just talk to her, right?" I comment as I walk beside him.

"And yes, I do know what happened, I received the text." I elaborate as I fix my backpack over my shoulder, Zane giving me a hesitant look.

"I don't know, Zoey, I just-" I cut him off once we reached our lockers, "You guys still are best friends, aren't you? So nothing should be the matter." I said and he just sighed.

"I mean... you must know why you're feeling this way, right?" I laughed, expecting him to say yes. Instead, he just gave me a confused look.

"And... what am I feeling?" He asks cluelessly.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now