[47] You Will See Her Again

186 13 4

Friday - May 26 (Continuation)

Zane's P.O.V.

I hastily removed my seatbelt and got out of the car, slamming its door shut.

Hurriedly, I went through the busy parking lot onto the front doors of the hospital. Pushing it and stepping inside, I ran towards the counter and talked simultaneously.

"Aphmau Phoenix. Room 404. Visitor." I inform before quickly rushing to the elevator, not letting her respond. I heard loud shouts of 'wait' and 'stop' but I had no time to hear what the nurse had to say.

Pressing the button of the elevator, it quickly opened in front of me; I sloppily stepped in and pushed the close button numerous times before hitting the 4 button level.

"Come on, come on," I chant, pacing around the elevator, waiting for it to open up.

Once it did, my head shot up as the elevator dinged. Even if the doors only opened up a small space, I already stepped out, rushing towards the left.

"409... 408... 407... 406..." I count, shifting my head from left to right to check the room numbers. "There! 404!" I exclaim as I end up in front of the room I was looking for.

With that, I grabbed the door handle before pushing the door open wide, "Aphm-"

I stopped mid-word at the sight before me, making my face and hands drop.

The room was empty.

No Aphmau nor Sylvana in sight. There was the hospital bed, the window, the small desk and chair, the TV, the bathroom, the closet, the nightstand...

The nightstand.

My eyes widened at what I saw on top of the nightstand, beside the hospital bed where Aphmau lied the last last time I saw her.

Pinkie Cake.

The one I gave her last Christmas.

For her to always remember me.

I gulped.

This is the only trace of Aphmau left.

Had Sylvana and Aphmau really move already?

I walked towards it with heavy steps, my breath hitching as tears were already ready to spill out at any moment now.

The one chance I had to see Aphmau... even if she didn't remember me, I'll make her remember. Lost. Gone. She isn't here anymore, she probably moved to a different city to start again.

And here I am, still searching for her.

My hand shakily reached out to the small figurine on the top of the nightstand, I was trying to gulp back my tears...

But once I held it, there was no stopping from all of them spilling out.

My sobs and cries were echoed through out the four corners of the room; the fresh wet tears falling to the floor, making it damp.

I held Pinkie Cake close to my chest, like I'm somehow pretending it to be Aphmau.

After some time, I looked down on the smiling pony in my hands...

Aphmau... why'd you have to leave me?

I miss you.

Tuesday - June 27 (1 Month Later)

"You really didn't need to do this, Zane. I really didn't expect you to go out of your way and help all of us move to our dorms... much less help me."

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now