[26] Brothers Alike

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Friday - October 28 (At School)

Aphmau's P.O.V.


I choked on my juice.

"W-What did you just say?" I ask cautiously, putting down my orange juice gently onto my food tray.

"Zanemau." Kawaii~Chan repeats making Zane's face turn pale with horror.


You see, it was lunch on a Friday, nearing the end of October. I just planned to have a fun time with my friends, nothing more nothing less.

But things don't always go as you plan.

"Vylad, what the realm is the meaning of this?" I stand up from my seat and walk over to Vylad who was sitting diagonally across from me.

"I have an inju-" I cut him off immediately, "Don't you use the "I got injured" card with me." I glare at him as he visibly gulped. Thinking he had a chance of escaping my violence just because he's already injured.

Well since he's injured, why not make him more injured?

"I thought you were going to keep that thing to yourself?" I continue as my friends chuckle silently in the background, trying their best to muffle their laughter with their hands, uniform, or food.

"I can't help it! It's nice that you too are getting closer in a way that's beyond friendship," He shrugs as he grins a bit, causing me to ball my fists before unclenching them slowly.

"That ship name was made Sophomore year, Vylad! Sophomore year! It isn't supposed to be brought up ever," I start with a whisper but my voice betrayed me and morphed into a scowl.

"Oh come on, Aph. It's just a ship. Plus, you can't think I will finish high school without even mentioning it once to anyone," He defends which made me glare harder at him.

Back in Sophomore year, only recently after me and Zane accepted the fact that we were really best friends now, I hung-out with Vylad after school; right there and then, he made a ship name for me and Zane...


He actually made it for me to forget about what-... never mind.

I didn't mind it at first since it was only a secret between us, no one knew about it. But now that it shone light into both my group of friends and Zane, Vylad will not be able to escape this one that easily.

"I-Is that a ship name?" Zane speaks for the first time this lunch as I continue to glare at Vylad, "Yes, Zane, yes it is." Nicole smirks as she takes a a bite out of her sandwich.


I said, loud enough for everyone in the table to hear, Nicole's face flushed red immediately and the others tried to contain their laughter more now.

"D-Dancole?" Nicole repeats in disbelief, I scoff slightly and said, "Yeah, Dancole. You know? Like you and Dante? Everyone knows you like each other... So if you guys want a shipping war, you guys will get one."

"W-What are you on about-" Jeffory stutters a bit as he eyes me, but Zane cut him off immediately.


Jeffory's face grew pale and Katelyn's mouth grew agape, "Oh, you did not just say that," Katelyn says as she goes on to walk over to Zane.

"Fine, you want Travlyn, then?" Katelyn suddenly stops in her tracks and growled with anger towards a grinning Vylad.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now