[45] Graduation Day

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Friday - May 26 (At School Field)

Zane's P.O.V.

Graduation Day.

A day dedicated for the Seniors as they end their high school life and go on to their own paths through life.

A memorable day when your farewells will be filled with tears and hugs filled with sadness.

For some people, it's a joyous day since they are out of the nether we call high school; I was going to be one of those kids... but I'm glad I'm not.

I looked to my left and right, smiling at my friends who either smiled back or smiled up to the stage. As we sat on chairs in the decorated Football field, separated from our parents and teachers who were at the back, eyes filled with joyful tears at their kids graduating.

Will this really be the end?

I don't think so.

One of the teachers gave a speech for all of us here today, and after that, the honors were awarded accordingly.

And now... our Valedictorian is giving us a speech: Emmalyn.

All of us smiled up to her in pride. I can remember our happy expression for our friend once it was revealed that she was the batch's Valedictorian.

As she stood in front of us all with her medal and diploma in hand, graduation hat and gown over her as she wore a bright smile, she gave her speech.

"All of you now are probably thanking Irene for finally graduating out of high school-" Chuckles among the students were heard, "-but we can admit how much of a crazy ride these past four years have been for all of us. With all the friendship, love, hurt, heartaches, challenges, fun, and every possible emotion you can think of. That's high school for you."

Kenmur smirked up to her and I couldn't help but smile at these two, in no time, I'm sure both of them will finally become a couple.

"We've all had a home here at this school, to reach up for our dreams, of course there were people to help you through it... in my case, it was my books and friends. Don't worry, you guys, you helped me more than the books-" The 13 of us Em was referring to laughed at her words, "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you guys; of course, I can't forget about my other classmates, teachers, and my parents."

Emmalyn hesitates, but she continues, "I- uhh... Umm, one of those friends I am referring to isn't here, right now, unfortunately. She isn't a drop-out or anything, in fact, I'm pretty sure she was supposed to be awarded as one of the honors. You probably know her: the sweet, intelligent, sarcastic, and pretty girl I'm talking about... Aphmau Phoenix."

All of us stiffened when we heard her say Aph's name, and I'm pretty sure my heart clenched as well. The atmosphere was suddenly quiet as I saw the sad look on the Golden Daggers, a few other students, the teachers, and a few parents' eyes.

"Aphmau Phoenix is a phenomenal girl who changed me and changed my life in high school, one of the reasons I'm here in front of you is because of her. If any of you met her... I'm pretty sure she moved and changed you, too. It's honestly hard for me to go on with this speech talking about h-her, since I'm pretty sure I would finish it crying. Heh... Something happened to her, so she moved, not graduating high school; I know all of us are heartbroken by that. So, I'm dedicating this whole speech to her."

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