[25] (The Hang-Out - Part 2) An Elephant's Snore

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Saturday - October 22 (Continuation)

Zane's P.O.V.

By the time we finished the first two events for the day: arcade gaming and snow world frolicking, it was already 5 PM. Since the distance between the central city to our village was quite long, we arrived back home at about 6 already.

Aphmau would be sleeping at my room for the night. Our guest room was still under renovation and it would be awkward if she slept with Garroth (mutual crush, remember?) or if she slept with Vylad he wouldn't be able to rest his foot properly.

Since my bed could fit two bodies, it was fine. She did this a lot of times before and it wasn't like we cuddled. Blech. The word itself makes me want to barf.

But why does it feel awkward now?

It shouldn't be, right? We're best friends... nothing more, nothing less.

I made her wait in the car as I drop off all our belongings and the things we bought into my room. Once finished, I helped Aphmau out of the car, brushing off a bit of fake snow on her hair that was probably still from snow world, we both laugh.

I wrapped a brotherly arm around her as we step inside, laughing a bit at a memory of a grumpy middle-aged man who was telling off a worker, then he slipped and fell. Karma.

"How was your date?" We were snapped into reality by Garroth's voice, he was reading a book on the couch near the main door, we look over to Vylad who was sitting next to him, he winked at us.

Remind me to kill Vylad.

I then remembered how we needed to pretend we like each other, so on instinct, I pulled Aphmau closer to me.

"It was nice," I said smugly to my brother, who frowned a bit at my statement. "Oh... W-Well, that's good."

Garroth looks up from his book and blushes immediately, I see him looking at Aph's necklace, I look at it and clench my teeth.

It's the necklace he gave her.

I growled under my breath as I grip my jeans tightly.

Wait... I'm getting jealous? Why?

"We're just going to go up to my room. Excuse us," I said before bringing Aphmau up to my room, slamming the door shut.

"Are you okay, Zane?" Aph asks as she nears me, "Yeah, I'm fine."

After fixing things up a bit in my room, I went on to take a shower as she fixed her things. Getting out of it, my black hair was dripping wildly. I got my towel and dried it continuously until it was messy, drying the rest of my body, I got some clothes.

I got a plain black shirt that I matched with gray and dark red pajamas. At first, I was going to get my boxers, but then I remembered Aphmau.

I don't want to traumatize her now, do I?

After me, it was her turn, she got a spare towel and toothbrush before heading towards the bathroom.

While I busied myself on my phone, replying to a few texts from Brendan and Katelyn.

Once she came out, her long hair was still quite wet and uncombed, she was wearing a big yellow shirt which had two cupcakes at the middle, it was matched with panda pajamas.

I didn't realize that I was staring at Aph for a long time already, making her blush from the consciousness.

Irene, she looks so cute when she blushes like that.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now