[18] (A Day in the Life of the Boys - Part 1) And That is None Other Than Dogs

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Saturday - October 1

Aaron's P.O.V. (6:37 AM)

I was out on my usual morning run.

A usually simple and peaceful journey for half the sight-seeing and half the better chance of exercise.

I wouldn't want to get into much detail on why exactly a morning run is a good exercise because of the bore it's just gonna drag.

Muscle coordination, build-up statistics, improved breathing, yada, yada, yada, and so on...

Look, doesn't mean I have a six-pack that I'm into all that work-out track and checking out my muscles 24/7.

That's just... no.

It was still barely after dawn and only a few people looked like they were interested in roaming around at this hour. Sometimes, I would pass by the usual peeing dogs or the Zumba music near the park for seniors; admittedly, I joined about one, two classes before... let's just say I stopped after Travis - for some reason - saw me and wouldn't stop laughing, disturbing the class... Well, not really disturbing the class since most of the seniors there were too engrossed with their exercise they practically blocked out anything and everything.

I didn't hear the end of it from him.

And because of that, well, he went home after school with nothing else to laugh about except his black eye, though I did most of the laughing after that.

Getting lost with my thoughts once again, I didn't realize that I actually bumped into someone walking towards the direction I just came from.

The sudden impact made me jerk back and let out a small grunt, once I recovered, I looked back at the person who just bumped into me and widened my eyes in surprise.


Plastering a childish grin, Aphmau replied, "Oh, hey Aaron! I didn't know you jogged along here," It was actually more of a question than a statement, realizing this, I let out a quiet 'oh' and answered, "I think I actually sidetracked from my usual route, my bad, anyway, are you out on a run?"

Then I actually saw she was just wearing casual clothes. Making me mentally face-palm at my stupid question with an obvious answer.

"Actually no, I'm out to get some fresh air at the park." She said as I pant continuously, slightly embarrassed since I was drenched in sweat, looking like I wore ten layers of a winter coat on a summer day, as well as the fact that my posture is the least bit charming.

Catching my breath once more, I reply, "Really? I passed the park blocks ago. Isn't it close to your house, I happen to pass by there as well." Aphmau giggles which made the tip of my ears red, "You're right, but I'm not heading to that park, it's the one close to the other village next to ours."

This time I nodded as I smiled a bit, "If you don't mind me asking, why there? Do you find the one here too crowded? Well, I mean, never mind, it's not really crowded at this time of the day, isn't it? Dear Irene, I'm rambling, what were-"

Another giggle stopped me short from my drawl, making my face redder than it already is from running. I'll just hope Aph assumes my face is currently red from running.

"Not really because of that, Aaron. I just find the park there more... refreshing. Don't you find running after dawn more refreshing than doing one at around 9 in the morning?" Aph asks, making me smile.

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