[end//author's note] That's A Wrap!

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Before I begin with other matters I'd like to discuss...


I started this book with no exact plan in mind where I wanted it to go. I only had a concept of the "what-if" scenario wherein Zane and Aphmau would be best friends who are cornered into becoming lovers.

At the end of this book, I gained about 5,800 reads from all you great readers, and I'm sincerely thankful.

More importantly, depending if you guys want it or not, I'll be having a Q&A session about your remaining confusions about this book in another chapter. This is only if a lot of readers would want it. If you're interested in the idea, please leave an in-line comment in this paragraph, saying you do. If not much readers want it, then I might just answer your questions via comment reply.

I'll be answering an advance question right now:

Did Zane tell Aphmau that he was one of the two people she forgot?
-It depends on how you want to continue the story in your mind. But from my canon, she will know that Zane is one of those two people, but she will learn/know about it from a different person; be it Vylad, her mom, Katelyn, Dante, etc.
You can visualize who, but if I were to write it, it would probably be Vylad who would tell her.

Also, depending if you guys want it or not, I'll be posting bonus chapters after this part. This is only if a lot of readers would want it. Please leave an in-line comment here if you want bonus chapters released.

A possible bonus chapter I might publish depending on your feedback is Chapter 10 in Travis' POV.

This book was completed on April 24, 2018. After approximately two years.

Sadly, a sequel will most likely never come. I want to leave it up to your wonderful imaginations.

In all honesty, I don't really watch Aphmau anymore, but I am still quite passionate about Zanemau (and Laurmau). I know she has new characters and new series, but I hoped you still enjoyed this Phoenix Drop High AU.

I would also like to note that my writing style in this book does not reflect my current writing style. If I had time, there are a lot of things I'd hope to fix with this, but I sadly do not have the time. I started this two years ago when I was really young.

But nonetheless, I'm extremely thankful for the support.

Please leave your feedback as well! I'd love to hear your thoughts on this story! :))

Thank you for everything guys! PLEASE SHARE THIS BOOK AND RECOMMEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS! It would make my day knowing that others enjoyed it too.

This is DreamsCPape's Accidental Intentions, signing off.

That's a wrap!

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now