[38] You Treat Me For Nothing!

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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! This chapter may tug on your heartstrings.

Tuesday - February 14 (At MyStreet Park)

Zane's P.O.V.

Valentine's Day is the day of hearts - one where you would show your significant other how much they mean to you or where you would finally tell your crush what you've been meaning to ask them for a long time.

Every year since elementary school, I've hated the existence of it since I thought there was no point in doing it. You could give your loved ones chocolate any time of any day, after all.

Believe me, I still do... But for Aphmau, I can make one realm of an exception.

Yesterday, I ordered a Lavender flower for Aphmau knowing it's her favorite. It got delivered just after school since I knew it would wilt and die if I got it immediately.

Mom bought some chocolates if ever one of us boys wanted to give a girl from school some chocolate, so I just took that when I dropped by at my house to leave my bag and to freshen up a bit... not minding to change from my uniform since I needed to be quick.

Truth be told, me and Aphmau still haven't been speaking like we normally would before for the past 2 weeks; sure, we had small talks and conversations, but we both seemed quite uncomfortable with it. For me, it was mainly because I just learned that I was in love with her.

But I wanted this to be the first time since then... on Valentine's Day.

Cheesy, I know. Kill me now for becoming like this.

L.A.G. obviously gave Aphmau some chocolate and flowers, as well as Vylad. Jeffory also gave her but he gave to everyone, anyways. The girls did give Aphmau some gifts, that's given. Besides that, a few other students that she's friends with gave her chocolates or flowers.

I got a few chocolates and flowers myself from my friends, or my brothers (yes, Garroth gave me chocolate). Aphmau also gave me chocolate which really wasn't a big deal since she gave me one every single year, my favorite, to be exact.

What's weird is that Dante didn't give Aphmau or any girl a gift - which he usually does - he only gave one to... Nicole.

I can't forget how much teasing my friends did to Nicole once they learned the Dante gave her a flower and chocolate. In fact, I didn't even see Nicole after school anymore; people said she rode with Dante.

At least they're finally getting together.

As well as Katelyn and Jeffory, they gave each other gifts that they didn't give anyone else. Not to mention they were with each other the whole day.

Even Kenmur and Emmalyn, for dimension's sake! And they were all blush and shy about it too.

Those are only some of the few of the people I know who got flowers from possible love interests.

But... the person I absolutely didn't want to bring up - Travis... I don't even think I saw him in school today. I mean, now that I notice it, he never goes to school on Valentine's Day; it's most likely because of something about Aph, that's for sure.

That's why every year his fangirls cry on Valentine's... including Lucinda.

But I promise I'll never be like him when it comes to her.

Before we got dismissed, I asked a few friends of mine where Aphmau would be going after school, all them said she was going to be at MyStreet park... they didn't give a reason why, though.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now