[24] (The Hang-Out - Part 1) One Pizza for Your Girlfriend!

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Saturday - October 22

Aphmau's P.O.V.

"Do you want to die?" I clench my teeth as I look up from the floor I fell on; my blanket wrapped around me like I was a living burrito, my bed hair making me look like a bird's nest.

Zane was clutching his stomach to contain his loud laughter from waking up the whole neighborhood, he dropped the air horn he used to wake me up onto the floor. I saw this as an opportunity and grabbed it from the floor, just as I was about to throw the solid thing towards him, my mom came inside my room.

"Young woman, don't you even think of throwing that air horn towards Zane," My mom rages as she walks into the room. I count to ten as I close my eyes, gripping the air horn tighter before dropping it.

I slowly got up and made my bed as Zane was still trying to compose himself, failing miserably. I look over to my nightstand to see that it was only 7 in the morning... and it's a weekend.

I ruffle my hair before my mom says something to Zane that I didn't hear before she leaves my room. "What the actual realm are you doing here?!" I snap, making him flinch.

"I know you're not a morning person, but you don't need to snap like that," Zane sighs, making me look at his outfit.

My eyes widened once I got a chance to look at it properly, "Zane, what are you wearing..."

Zane was wearing a red and black plaid jacket that had a hood, underneath it was a gray v-neck. He wore denim slim-fit jeans and gray converse to end the look.

No mask. No all-black. Nothing.

This is something that Vylad would wear. Not Zane.

He sighs before saying, "Right, Vylad and you go hang-out alone somewhere, once a month? Well, since my brother has an injury, the hang-out he planned for both of you is something that requires uninjured legs. Since he planned this before the injury, he can't get a refund..." He trails off, not knowing how to say the rest.

"At first, of course, he still wanted to do it with you. But he figured out he really couldn't. He was going to ask Garroth... but he had plans with Laurance and the others already. So, it leaves him with none other than me..." He gestures to himself as I gave him a once over.

"Please, Aphmau. My poor brother worked hard to plan this hang-out... Wouldn't you feel guilty if you don't do this? He's probably lying in bed right now, being sad about his ankle and how he can't hang with you..." Zane fake cries to make me convinced, guilty, it was slightly working because of the mention of Vylad.

"So you're saying I need to have this hang-out with you, that I usually have with Vylad, because he planned everything. It's just for one day, anyway-" I was cut off by a sly smile, "Actually... two days."

My eyes widened, "Vylad prepared two days worth of activities? For our supposed hang-out?"

He nods and I sigh, "Fine. But... what in the world are you wearing... and why?" I look at him again to see that he looked to himself as I said those words.

"Oh. U-Um... it's kinda embarrassing really..." He scratches his nape as he chuckles nervously, "Vylad wanted me to dress up more like him so you can imagine that I'm actually Vylad. I said no, of course, but he forced me with blackmail."

Blackmail, huh? I better use that next time.

"Okay, 'Vylad'. Wait outside, I still need to get ready." I say as I ruffle my hair again, "Also, your mom already allowed this but... since it's a two day hang-out. You're just going to sleep at our place..."

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