[40] What is Happening?

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Zane's P.O.V.

Wednesday - February 15

In the end, I cried sleeping. The next day, even if I still felt like crap... I woke up early and decided to go to school. Since I woke up 4 hours earlier than I usually did, I decided to do my homework and review for my test later.

I then went to school early, but there was no denying how it felt like something's empty in my house.

I shrugged it off and got into my car, driving off into school; the journey was silent since I didn't bother opening up the radio.

Once I arrived, the halls weren't as busy as much; but what was weird is that Teony wasn't by her locker... and she usually goes to school this time in the morning, every single day.

I brushed it off considering maybe she just slept in.

The kids weren't bothering me, which I liked.

After getting my things from the locker and organizing some stuff, more kids flooded inside the school.

I saw Kawaii~Chan enter the front doors, passing by me nonchalantly. She looked a mess, her ears and tail droopy, a drained out face, as well.

I followed her with my eyes, plastering a confused expression; all of the time, when she would see me, she would squeal at me and dragged me somewhere, talking my ear off.

And then, I saw Lucinda quickly grabbing her arm; she looked a mess as well, not her usual hot-stuff ideal. She wasn't even wearing her usual clothes and she didn't wear make-up.

She made eye-contact with me and her eyes widened, dragging Kawaii~Chan somewhere.

After more weird run-ins with my friends like Kenmur and Nicole - who also looked like a mess - class finally started.

I didn't know why I saw my friends like that, surely I wasn't hallucinating. But... when is it coincidental that all of them had a bad day?

My first class was shared with Aphmau and Vylad.

I didn't want to face Aphmau yet so I sat at the back of the room, but once the second bell rang, I was surprised to see that Aphmau and Vylad both weren't in class.

For Aph, I just thought she probably got a cold from the rain that poured last night. And for Vylad, he was probably running late for something as a teacher's aid.

I yawned and looked out the window, jotting down notes from time to time.

Why does my friends look like a mess?

Thursday - February 16

Okay, lunch is weird.

It's been two days since Valentine's Day and I'm quite back to my normal self.

But my friends definitely aren't.

In fact, it looked like how I was two nights ago, times 3. And all of them are like that.

Yesterday, a few of my friends weren't even at the lunch table!

I mean right now, they're all back, but still... they look like zombies that were tasked to build a house.

But Vylad... he wasn't at school at all yesterday, and today... he look distraught and the worst out of everyone. When I saw him in the morning, I just thought it was his morning-look, but that didn't even change after he took a bath!

All of their faces seemed to be blank and lifeless, now I'm the most energetic out of all of them! And that's saying something...

Aphmau is still absent, so I asked one of my teachers if she called in sick. She said that Aph did, in her normal tone, unaffected.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now