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Hey guys! Sorry if I've been a jerk lately and left you all in the dust... but I'll be sure to get back to this ASAP.

The fact that I'm a new student in my new school is really not helping since I'm still adjusting.

I think I'm getting the hang of it and that will result in better writing schedules (I hope)

Sorry if I can't reply to all your comments quickly because honestly... school in my country is really something.

Thank you for all you lovely people who are reading my fanfiction!

Thank you for all the votes, comments, and reads!

I'm so sorry if I can't update quickly. I just really want my chapters to be amazing for you guys. So I put time in it. Well, at least my chapters are long, I guess?

I'll try to update soon enough.

But if you have time... please read my other two books...

"Encountering With My Dreams" and "Big GAL On Campus"

I really want to become a professional writer and your support will help dearly.

Thank you guys so much!

If the story is not accurate to how the characters really are... I'm sorry. I try to adjust the character development to my wanted plot.

Love you my babies!

-DreamsCPape (ahem ahem... dat boi)

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now