[17] Unexpected Messages

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Wednesday – September 28 (During Lunch)

Zane's P.O.V.

"Aren't you the one who said that I'm not allowed to check your phone, like, more than a month ago?" I state boredly with droopy and uninterested eyes, not even staring at a frustrated and eager Aphmau.

It's been roughly 2 weeks since the play that took place in the preschool, of course, some of our friends just wouldn't let the kiss that was supposed to happen go.

"Please Zane! I just need to meet up with Laurance." She sighs frustratedly as she continues to bug me over and over. Our conversation becoming a comedy performance for the others.

"Okay, okay, just don't blame me if I see something I'm not supposed to..." Shooing her away, her face lights up and she immediately hugs me, showering me with thank you's before she dashes off.

"IT'S FINE, I'M PREPARED, YOU KNOW THE PASSCODE ANYWAYS!" Aphmau shouts as she runs out of the cafeteria, earning laughs from my friends all around.

"I'm curious though, Zane," As those words left Nicole's lips, I suddenly looked up and raised an eyebrow, "Why does she need to leave her phone with you?" Nicole scrunches up her eyebrows in confusion as Zoey nods her head, "Yeah, what's up with that?" Zoey asks.

"Don't know, don't care," I respond as I open her phone, immediately greeted by a lock screen wallpaper of Levi Ackerman, her anime crush. "Of course..." I sigh as Vylad squints his eyes to look at the wallpaper, "Isn't that Levi from Attack on Titan?" He questions.

"Oh yeah, she has a poster of him, right?" Kiki realizes as she continues to eat her fries. I reply with a nod to her a question. Changing the topic, Kenmur speaks, "Come on, Zane, of course you care!" Kenmur smirks, referring to my statement about Aph leaving her phone with me.

"Well, more importantly, why does she need to meet up with Laurance?" Cadenza states as she sips her bottled juice, "Don't know, don't care,"

"Oh, hun, if it's about that, then you care a whole lot." Lucinda exaggerates earning a grin from Teony.

These guys are going to be the death of me.

Sighing, my friends' chatter continued, with me feeling more and more sleepy... What time did I sleep last night?


Instantly surprised by the sound and vibration of the phone, electricity rushed through me and I felt a teeny bit more awake now.

'1 New Message from Ivy'

Curious, my hand shakes a bit as I reach down to get it...

Should I read it?

I mean, I told Aph the consequences if she made me the one to watch over her phone.

But... Why do I feel guilty?


What? Another one?

'1 New Message from Lillian'

Lillian? Ivy? Aren't those the girls who are always mean to Aph?





What the realm? You know what...

I don't care if Aph gets mad at me again, I am gonna check these.

From: Ivy

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now