[12] Predictions By The Crimson-Eyed Witch

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Saturday (Teony's House)

Aphmau's P.O.V.

"Okay..." I gulped, waiting for the inevitable, "Dante..." Lucinda gushes as she hugs a baby blue pillow that was right beside her. "Jeffory..." With my eyes widening, I grabbed a pillow that was of similar color as the one Lucinda was hugging; fidgeting with the cottony corners. Teony smirks as she and Lucinda plasters a devilish smile on their faces.

"And Zane..."

Mother of Irene... are they serious?

Letting out an exasperated sigh, I bury my face into the pillow I was playing with. "No backing out, Aph..." Teony laughs as she speaks with her usual cocky tone.

"Who are you gonna 'Kiss, Marry or Kill'?" Lucinda grins as she winks at me flirtatiously, erupting a giggle from Teony.

A muffled groan was the only response that I gave, causing a fit of laughter from the two girls sitting across me. "Take that pretty little face of yours outta that pillow and answer us!" Teony demands as she hits my back with a throw pillow.

"Okay, okay!" I give in after several hits from Teony. Sighing, I sit up and face them with a scrunched-up face.

"Kill..." Eyeing the two extremely curious girls in front of me, I said, "Dante." My lips twitched as I said Dante's name, feeling a bit guilty. Their twinkling eyes widened as a confused look was on Lucinda's face, yet she didn't comment on my judgment.

"Kiss... Jeffory." A gasp from Lucinda and Teony erupted in unison, I believe it's because of one of two things.

a) Because I'm gonna get a serious beat-up from Katelyn once she learns that I would kiss her best friend if given no choice...

And... b) Because that specifically means that I am going to choose to marry Zane Ro'Meave...

And I bet Dante's motorcycle it's because of the latter...

"So yeah..." Sighing, I took a deep breath and blurted out what Lucinda and Teony has been waiting to hear.

"M-M... Marry... Zane." Not even two seconds after I finished my sentence, both Lucinda and Teony were a squealing mess.

Irene couldn't even help them at this point... but please, at least help me.

"But that's only if I had no choice!" All my attempts at defending my judgment were useless, as all were muted by Lucinda and Teony's squealing and screeching.

"Damn girl! Garroth, Laurance and Aaron better move outta the way if that's the case!" Teony laughs as she pokes me in the chest lightly.

Yet at the mention of those three's names... I couldn't help but blush as I remember their confession.

Oh, and right... I also remember when I screwed up by telling them I was interested in someone else.

Scoffing, I responded, "Look... Zane... he's my best friend, I-... I will never ever like him... I can never imagine him and I being together..." I responded as I gaze at my gesture-making hands.

"Hun, Aphmau... Believe me," Lucinda says as she grins mischievously, "I personally predict that by the end of the school year... you and Zane already developed feelings for each other... even if it's secret or you're still denying it." I raised an eyebrow at Lucinda as Teony nods.

"Aphmau... I know these kinds of things." Lucinda's eyes sparkle as she gently holds my forearm, looking down at my currently held arm, I sigh.

My fear is... what if this does happen? How will I handle the idea? More importantly... how will we handle the idea?

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now