[46] An Angel and The Devil

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Friday - May 26 (Continuation)

Zane's P.O.V.

There was one guy I needed to find.

And I know just where to find him.

After 2 hours of farewells to classmates, teachers, parents, staff, and my friends; there was one person I needed to talk to.

Someone who played a big role in everyone's life.

Especially Aphmau's.

Over the top of a hill where you are able to take a view of the city, with the sun shining on your face as the breeze of wind pass you; my graduation gown still my garments as I approach the male standing at the edge of the hill.

"After all this time, now is when you decide to find me..." The silver-haired boy said as he continues to gaze over the city, taking in the wind. I remain silent as I stand beside him.

As silence filled over us as we look over the hill, Travis was the first one to speak up, "Aphmau and I met during Freshman year, it was the two of us against the world; so, soon enough, we became best friends..."

I look at him with confused eyes, without even looking at me, he knows I was wondering, "I know you already heard this story from Aphmau... but, this is my point of view, this was what I was thinking and doing during that time." He says.

"I knew I was starting to develop feelings for her when she first heard about my past and helped me through it. I saw a different girl from there, an angel. An angel to a devil that doesn't deserve her, that's how I would describe our love story." Travis says, eyes filled with so many emotions and memories that I can only imagine.

"Aphmau may think our relationship was a mistake, Vylad may think our relationship was a mistake... but I will never ever think that. For me, it's more of a fairytale with a bad ending." I scoffed at his statement, shaking my head along with it.

"Well, what Aphmau and Vylad think is actually the truth, buddy." I said dryly, making him chuckle. "Don't worry, Zane. I didn't expect nothing less of tough-love from you."

"And so, the devil fell in love with the angel, and the angel fell in love with the devil. I love her, Zane; you may not believe me after everything I've did, but that's the truth." He says, determination and passion in his voice.

But who was I to believe him?

"Yeah, if love is flirting and kissing a lot of girls, then I'm pretty sure you love her to the ends of the earth."

Travis blocked out my statement and continued, "After that, me and Aphmau began a relationship, this is where I confessed... at this very spot," He said, gesturing to the hill we were speaking at right now.

"I gave my whole self to her and was utterly in love with Aphmau Phoenix with every fiber of my being. It wasn't because of our intimate moments, it wasn't because of how beautiful she is, it wasn't because of how attached she was to me... it wasn't any of that, it was because it was her I was loving." He continues, and I could feel his heart clenching as he gulped.

"I protected her and never ever wanted to lose her, we stood our ground even when we fought or had problems. I knew she was the one, I saw in her the woman I was going to marry and have children with. And I swear to Irene, if any guy ever takes her away from me or does anything to her, take advantage of her or make her cry... I was going to hunt them down and kill them. But... little did I know," He trails off, looking into the afternoon sun with me.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now