[35] (Revelations - Part 2) Green Light

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Saturday - January 21 (Continuation)

Aphmau's P.O.V.

"I can't believe you just did that!" I squeal as I hit Laurance playfully on the chest. Me and Laurance were at the backseat of my car, laughing our heads off.

"Aphmau, you are more fun to hang with than Dante and Travis combined. And they're party animals! I'll give you that." Aaron smirks from the rear view mirror as his eyes go back to the road.

"You boys have been missing out then," I said as Laurance keeps on trying to tickle me, but I was too fast and will always swat his hand away when he does that.

They all chuckled at what I said.

You see, it was already night time. The whole evening I was hanging out with Laurance, Garroth, and Aaron doing the crazy stuff they usually did in Saturday night... it varied each Saturday.

If I got into detail about what we did, it will take an hour to explain everything.

We almost got caught a few times, but it was really, really fun.

We seemed to have such a great time which I enjoyed completely.

"Why does Laurance get to sit with Aphmau again?" Garroth sulks from the passenger seat and pouts at me, making me stare at him in awe.

"Because... Aphmau likes me the best out of you two idiots."

Well, there was a time - few years back - when my crush for Laurance was higher than the other two.

"Are you kidding me? She likes me more, end of story." Aaron says as he grips the steering wheel tighter, glaring at Laurance through the rear view mirror.

"Obviously, boys... I'm her favorite." Garroth says with pride, making both Aaron and Laurance scoff at the same time.

"Certainly not her favorite Ro'Meave brother, that's for sure." Aaron murmurs as he glares at both Laurance and Garroth.

Well, there it is again... the atmosphere in which those three seem like they're hiding something.

The car grew silent after what Aaron said, no one saying anything for the next 2 minutes, until-

"Oh my freaking Irene, I love this song!" Laurance squeals like a little fangirl as I squeal as well, not as loud as Laurance though.

"Are you a girl all of a sudden, Laur?" Garroth snorts as Laurance ignores him. Both me and Laurance singing along to the song.

Oh, they bite you...
Thought you said that you would always be in love,

Laurance sings ferociously and whole-heartedly making Garroth and Aaron laugh.

But you're not in love... no more.

I continue, making Laurance grin.

Did it frighten you,
How we kissed when we danced on the light up floor?
...On the light up floor.

Me and Laurance sing in unison, laughing quickly after, we were about to sing the next line when I voice beat us to it.

But I hear sounds in my mind...

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now