[10] Accidental Intentions

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Friday (Continuation - At School)

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Being early to class definitely gave me some alone time to think...

And possibly look at Laurance's undeniably, unmistakably flirtatious texts since I woke up.

Cadenza's Boy Version :P

Today 7:12 AM

>>Morning Aph, how was your dreams? Was I in it? ;) But seriously, when do you want to start that Chemistry experiment? See you in school :)

HAHAHAHA! Like I'd ever dream of you :P<<

Anytime today would be fine, see ya!<<

And now the latest Casanova text...

Today 10:08 AM

>>Hey, got another apple to make us "kiss"? ;)

Sorry, bud, ran out of apples, that was about 10 "kisses" for me though. Got your idea, sorry! ;)<<

Sighing, I plopped my phone down unto my desk and look at the door to see a few students rushing in to take their seats; as well as our teacher coming inside.

But none of that meant anything to me except the fact that one certain brunette took the seat right next to me.


Looking to my right as I bit my thumb harshly, Aaron smiles at me as he takes his seat, me doing the same.

"Hey" I reply briefly before sending my attention back to our teacher. I would lie if I would say that Aaron didn't look cute today. Wearing his typical red hoodie which was zipped-up - because obviously, he can't walk around school with his abs blinding fangirls.


One hour is a pretty long time, especially if nothing happens except the constant blabber of our teacher about uninteresting topics.

But I couldn't deny one interesting observation...

Aaron was awfully nice to me, it's kinda weird.

"Shoot, my pen ran out of ink!" I mumble to myself as I shake the useless pen in my hands, looking down at the semi-finished 10 item activity before me. Before I knew it, Aaron was extending his hand down to my table and reaching over a black pen. "Here..." He mumbles as I take the pen out of his hands.

"Thanks, Aaron, I'll give it back to you before the subject ends-" I couldn't finish my sentence before he cuts me off, "No, no, no... it's fine, keep it." He smiles yet again as he lightly touches my shoulder. A small smile tugs my lips before I continue with the activity.


 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now