[42] Two

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Monday - February 27 (Continuation)

Zane's P.O.V.

I didn't really care right now that I was missing class. Aphmau was more important to me, and I needed to see her no matter what.

The ride was quiet and the air had tension in it, I tried to block it off by looking outside the window.

Where is she taking me?

Their house, probably. That's the most reasonable explanation.

I became more alert when we were nearing Aphmau's house, getting a bit ready to face her.

And then the car went past the house.

My eyes furrowed as confusion traced my features, the car moving further and further away from the house, eventually out of our sight.

I looked swiftly towards Sylvana whose eyes were glued on the road, not minding my confused stare, "Sylvana, we just passed the-"

"We aren't going to the house." She stated firmly, making my eyebrows furrow even further. I slumped back into my chair and racked my brain to where she could be taking me.

Where are we going then?

I stayed quiet for the rest of the ride.

Soon enough, probably after 15 more minutes, we were outside our village and inside the city. At this, I grew more confused.

And that's when I saw it... a huge building with a cross as its emblem.

A hospital.

I leaned in to the window and studied the hospital.

Why are we here?

Soon enough, Sylvana parked her car. Sighing, she went out of the car. I automatically did the same, closing the car door shut and following her with heavy and hesitant steps.

Once inside the main lobby, the nurse at the reception greeted Sylvana, "Good afternoon, Mrs. Phoenix." Sylvana nodded and smiled in greeting, continuing to walk further inside the hospital.

As I followed her, I kept my eyes on the nurse, eyebrows knit together in oblivion.

Once she was out of sight, I walked faster towards Sylvana who was in front of the elevator, waiting for it to come. As it did, she stepped in, holding the door for me. I gave a quick thanks as I went in.

She pressed the fourth floor and the elevator went up. Slower than I wanted.

Awkward silence filled us in the tight space, I was about to ask Sylvana why we were here when the elevator dinged, its doors opening up.

She stepped out and proceeded to walk to the left, hospital rooms around us as we walked.

Hospital rooms.

Soon enough, we reached Room 404.

As her hand lied on the door handle to open the room, I already knew...

Aphmau was inside that hospital room.

My eyes widened and my breath hitched, not wanting to see the sight of the girl I love and the girl who is my best friend on that hospital bed.

But I still did.

Sylvana pushed open the door and I was greeted immediately by a sight that made my heart clench and my knees wobble.

Aphmau is in that room. Aphmau is on that bed.

"She slept a few hours ago, she's just sleeping. Don't worry," Sylvana says once she sees my expression, closing the door behind me and walking to a table inside the room.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now