[23] (Aphmau's Birthday - Part 2) About A Half

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Sunday - October 16 (Continuation)

Nicole's P.O.V.

I have no idea how to react right now.

You could easily call me a bystander right now.

Am I supposed to cry?

All of the girls in this room are bawling their eyes out while the guys are all laughing to themselves.

Well, there's an exception to Brendan who's just snoring on a couch over there. He probably slept halfway through it.

There's also an exception to Dante since he was literally into the movie.

He keeps on getting mad and swatting Aaron's hand away when Aaron or Garroth would distract him from the movie. He was hunched over another couch, deeply studying the movie like he's some philosopher of some sort. I can't help but chuckle to myself.

And of course, there's me.

The only girl in this room who is not crying.

Even Katelyn is crying! And that's saying something...

You see, since our mini chat group was the tie-breaker to what we would do first: either play different games or watch a movie.

I concluded to play games first then watch a movie later. Because knowing the birthday girl, if we watched a movie, she'd pick a girly romance one.

Most of the people in my small circle during that time were quite keen on something not girly, including me. (Since they were all boys)

We didn't want the life to be sucked out of us, do we?

So after a one and a half hour worth of board games, group games, pillow fights, XBOX and PS4 games, card games, and a whole lot of dares and interrogations... we were finally watching a movie.

Do not ask about the games... please, especially truth or dare and spin the bottle.

Nicole, is it true that you like Dante? Do not remind me of those questions.

The movie was really romantic, it was sweet and lighthearted as well. What made the ending sad is the music and the location of the scene itself, and the actors did a really good job in looking like they were in love.

Though it was awkward during those small kissing scenes since most of us in that room are either single or their crush is in the room as well (do not... say anything about the last thing I said), but we managed.

So now, in the quite sad ending, all of the girls were sniffling and surrounded by tissue boxes.

There were two long couches that most of the boys sat on, including some girls. I am one of them.

Katelyn was also on that couch as she was sniffling and crying on a snoring Brendan's shirt.

Most of the girls though are on the floor, surrounded by huge pillows that they were on.

Their eyes and noses were puffy and red from crying so much, except for Aph.

She didn't want to cry on her birthday so there were only four or five tear drops barely escaping her eyes before she brushes them off.

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