[27] That Was...

270 13 6

Saturday - November 5

Aphmau's P.O.V.

"Get yourself together, Aphmau!" I whisper harshly to myself, sitting on the shotgun seat of Zane's car.

I continued to fiddle with my ticket, "It's fine, this isn't the first time, you got this-"

I got a paper cut.

I yelped in pain as I glared down onto my thumb which had a nasty scratch from the ice skating ticket. I gently sucked on my thumb as Zane was still filling his car with gas.

You see, me and Zane are on our second "date".

The one he asked me on during that embarrassing Friday.

Oh boy.

If you can already guess, we're gonna go ice skating.

Just before this, we had a nice lunch.

Well, nice for us, definitely not nice for the other customers.

It was that typical rich people restaurant, I don't even know why Zane picked that kind of restaurant when he knows neither him nor I have much pleasing table manners.

Table etiquette wasn't really the matter here, it was more of how loud our voices were when we laughed and shared stories. Not to mention the times when me and Zane would literally snort our food like a pig.

Yup, the elderly weren't please by that whatsoever.

I also don't know if it's because I wore a dress on our last "date" that he expected me to match the dress code there. Yeah, I'm wearing ripped skinny jeans, a beige beanie, a violet sweater, and converse.

But since that's over, now, we are going ice skating after a quick detour to the gas station.

Have I forgot to mention I suck at ice skating?

Zane is actually quite phenomenal with it (cough, cough, his ice cold heart helps with that), he's been doing it since he was a kid as a side hobby, when we had group hang-outs, he never failed to show his talents in skating on the rink.

That's the reason I was quite nervous, I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of Zane if I fall on my butt every single time. And, it's really nerve-wrecking considering it's only the two of us: one whom is amazing at skating and one whom is failing and sucking at it.

"Ready to go?" My train of thoughts was halted when Zane jumped into the car, I hesitantly nodded which signaled him to speed off going to the mall.

This is not going good.

In the past 20 minutes of our 1 hour here, I kept falling, tripping, sliding, and clinging on to Zane for dear life.

"Aphmau, please let go already," Zane sighs as I close my eyes shut. "No, no, I can't! Zane, if I die today, please tell my mom I love her, and tell Vylad I'm sorry for breaking his earphones that I told him he just lost-"

"Aph, let go already since we are literally outside the rink already." He says in a toneless voice.

My eyes shot up and I noticed we were back on land, right beside a bench. "Oh."

"We're just going to take a break for awhile, plus, I need to rest my arm from your death grip. Irene, I think there's bruises forming already," He flinches as he massages his shoulder that I remember I was holding tightly for the past 20 minutes.

I didn't respond and just stared at my lap, biting my lip. "I'm sorry, it's just... I'm embarrassed at how bad I am in ice skating when you're so good at it, I just-" My ramble was cut off by laughter.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now