[2] Blame The Ponies!

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Tuesday (After School)

Zane's P.O.V.

I was lying on my bed, throwing a hand-sized bouncy ball repeatedly towards the door. I am so bored right now.

As I threw the ball for Irene knows what time, my bedroom door suddenly swung open. The ball went flying to the person, but he successfully caught it in his hands.

"Hey baby brother." Oh great, this guy. My most favorite person in the world - note my sarcasm - Garroth Ro'Meave.

"What the realm, Garroth, there's a thing called knocking you know?" I said in an irritated tone, he doesn't seem to notice my demeanor towards his action since he just continued to talk.

"Do you wanna hang-out with me and Vy-" Before he could even finish his sentence, I gave him a flat-out 'no'. I never and will never hang-out with Garroth, even if it means my death.

"Suit yourself...hmm, you do seem bored though. Why don't you spend time with Aphmau?" I scoffed immediately at his statement. He gave me a confused look.

"You and I both know that you only want me to hang-out with Aphmau so you can see her. Since you're too pussy enough to do so, I'll be the great younger brother I am and call her to go here." I smirked as I see he was a total blushing mess.

I reached the nightstand for my phone and speed dialed her number. On our usual hang-outs we would never end the day without playing ponies. It's like the thing we both bond at; and on the topic of hang-outs, Garroth is usually too shy to hang-out with Aphmau. So instead he indirectly hangs-out with her when she comes over. Every time he'll be seven inches apart from her or less, he'll turn into a blushing mess, but I digress. It was normal for us to hang-out since we were best friends and all, yet there was always something off with Aphmau starting a few months before we became close; funny, she only became like that when her and Travis became...distant? not friends? apart? I don't know what to call it exactly.

"Hello?" She said from the other line.

"Hey Aph, wanna hang-out today at my place?"

"Uhh yeah, sure, I'm not busy and I'm super bored. I'll be there in about....err- 20 minutes?"

"Yeah sounds cool, see you in a few."

I looked over to Garroth who listened in on the whole conversation.

"There, she's coming over lover boy." I said and went to the bathroom to get changed, seeing that I was still wearing my uniform. Ugh, uniforms, I hate it.... Wait no, let me rephrase. Ugh, school, I hate it. Something me and Aph have in common on any day.

I get changed in some gray sweatpants and a black hoodie. I know, I know; it's not the appropriate indoor attire and it's too hot clothing to wear on a secluded area like a room, but the icy coldness of my soul covers up for that.... and I don't think anyone - even I - would appreciate me wearing only boxers and a tank top around.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Sheesh. Good thing Zane called me, my mom and I were debating on whether or not I should take down my Levi poster. But I ain't gonna do it, Senpai will stay on my wall for as long as I want.

I took a quick shower and dried myself up. I applied some make-up along with some raspberry lip-gloss, and I sprayed a small amount of fragrant perfume. I wore some faded blue high-waisted shorts, a pair of heeled black flip flops, and my black and white striped tank top; I tied my hair into a stylish messy bun. I put on my friendship bracelet and black pearl necklace; I got my purple sling bag and put my phone, earbuds, house keys, and wallet inside it.

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