[15] (A Play With The Gang - Part 1) No to Romance!

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Thursday – September 15 (At School)

Aphmau's P.O.V.

It's been exactly a week since that run-in with Zenix, luckily, me and Zane didn't really dwell on that matter; it was back to normal cheers as it is...

While still trying to maintain this 'relationship' I have with Zane.

I was walking with Jeffory, Zoey, and Brendan towards our next class, the class before lunch. Surprising as it seems, there is one class that all of us are in. The whole group.

Drama Class.


1 Week Before the Shadow Knights Incident...

"Alright, everyone~ I got some exciting news~" Our Drama class teacher muses as she eyes all the students in her class, clapping her hands together, she beams with excitement as she announces.

"On September 16, roughly three weeks from now, the class will perform a play in front of a preschool not too far from here!" Our teacher gushes as most of us groans... Imagining it to be one of those boring plays about a frog and a mouse or something (since it is for preschoolers)

Emmalyn suddenly leaned a bit to my ear to whisper something, "Ohhh~ What if it's a play about the Divine Warriors? Aph, you'll be perfect as Lady Irene!" I laughed awkwardly; me? Irene? No way.

"Don't you worry, I'm not going to be the one to make the script... you are! You also decide on the story and whatnot... Comedy, Romance-" My eyes widened at the word 'Romance'...


Our teacher was cut off from her statement, "Umm, pardon me for asking, Miss, but... why romance? Isn't that too inappropriate for children their age?" Teony asked, and thank Irene she hated romance and she was straightforward, I couldn't have said that even if my life depended on it.

"Well, you're right, but the school said that if there was to be a kiss or any type of romantic scene, the children might be able to realize that it isn't for their age yet and avoid doing it... you know, like reverse-psychology." Our teacher shrugs like it's no big deal. Meanwhile, in all of our thoughts...


"O-Okay..." Teony stutters as she gives a wide-eyed look at her seatmate, Kiki. "Now, I will be dividing the class into two... two different performances for the same audience."

Before any of us even utter up a response of any kind, she started calling up the names of the first group.

Surprising all of us in our group, none of us were called, meaning only one thing.

The whole group will be in the same play.

"For the second group... Brendan, Kiki, Teony, Katelyn, Nicole, Emmalyn, Zoey, Zane, Jeffory, Vylad, Kenmur, Kawaii~Chan, Aphmau, Lucinda, and Cadenza." All of us suddenly fist-pumped the air, or grinned widely, or did a mini victory dance in our heads...

This is going to be so fun!

Though, she does realize there's only 5 boys in our group, right? The other 10 are all girls?

Once we were cued to group together, we all stormed over to Katelyn, knowing that she loves writing and making plays the most.

"Dibs on being the director!" Katelyn announces amongst us, "Dibs on being scriptwriter!" Emmalyn enunciates enthusiastically.

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