[41] If We Say We Can't, That Means Something

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Zane's P.O.V.

Wednesday - February 22

Yesterday, all of the people I knew were gone.

Today... they're all back.

Except for Aphmau, Travis, and Vylad.

Oh my Irene, these absents are so inconsistent, but it still seems to have a pattern! I can't understand what is happening to the damn world!

The atmosphere seemed less gloomy. It was slowly getting back to normal.

I don't know what happened honestly.

I remember waking up at about 3 AM and seeing Vylad leave his room, he told me to go back to sleep. Tsk. Like you're the boss of me, younger brother. I watched him through the window of my room speed off in my car.

Well, I mean, it's kinda any of the Ro'Meave brothers' car, but still! Where the realm is he going at 3 AM?!

And guess what... just as I was about to go to school on foot, Jeffory's car rolled down the driveway! Katelyn never allows me to ride with them!

So I rode with Nicole, Katelyn, and Jeffory going to school... they still look like crap, but seems in talking spirits and somewhat fine. Nicole kept on looking at me since we were both in the back seats, I would've snapped on a normal day but it seems like these guys have been through a lot.

Considering they all were absent yesterday. (Except for Dante and Travis, as I said)

Aside from Nicole, Jeffory just kept on glancing at me through the rear view mirror, at first, I thought he was checking on any cars on our trail but it seems like he was staring at me.

Attention's on me all of a sudden?

Even when I first got to school, my friends seemed to have a staring contest with me because they cannot just look away! What the realm is on my face?! Did Garroth write something on it?

So, I involuntarily looked at Garroth from his lockers, still a grim look on his face as Laurance holds his shoulders and seems to be telling him something - Laurance also looked a bit grim. But not as bad as before.

Things are getting weirder by each day.

Thursday - February 23

Aphmau is still absent... she's the only one out of the people I knew who has been absent since Day 1 of this weird fiasco.

Does it all connect to her?

Vylad and Travis are still absent as well... I don't know what to make of that.

In addition to those three, Aaron and Lucinda are also absent today.

Wait... was Lucinda going to visit Travis?

But still... even if she does like him, why would she know why Travis is absent?

On second thought... here are the real questions: What is happening? Where is Aphmau? What does everyone know that I don't?

The school seems to know and caught on to what's happening currently, since just like how my friends seem somewhat fine and less crap yesterday, most of the other people in school that looked like crap before are back to their normal selves.

What the realm was revealed for this school to be somewhat recovered again?

But the weird thing is... I got more stares from everyone. Not those: "I want to punch you" stares... Like a sad stare and a sad smile.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now