[48] I Didn't Poison It

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Sunday - July 23 (Zane's Moving In)

Zane's P.O.V.

Out of all the people in the freaking world it had to be him.

Irene and the dimensions just love me, don't they?

I took a ragged breath as I stared at the receptionist who blinked at my expression, "Sorry, ma'am. Could you please repeat who would be my dormmate?"


"Arghh!" I exclaim as I shut the door to my dorm. It was just about 5 hours since I moved in, and everything was going smoothly with all my stuff fixed and me being able to explore the campus.

Until I learned who would be my dormmate for the rest of college.

"Well, you're in a bad mood..." A black-haired 19 year-old boy says as he continues to read his book on his bed.

"Anyone would be in a bad mood if they would have you as a dormmate, Gene." I said, hissing his name, "I never even knew you were going to this college. Much less I expected you not to be in college at all! I'm surprised you even graduated!" I continue, sitting on my bed that's across his.

"Doesn't mean that I like skipping class, that I am not smart at all." He says flipping to the next page of his book.

Gene is my roommate... Gene. Out of all the people in Phoenix Drop High it had to be him!

Too caught up with my thoughts, I suddenly heard him sigh before sitting up from his bed as he placed the book he was reading on his nightstand. "Look, Zane... we are going to be living with each other for the next 4 years unless one of us moves out or gets assigned to a different room or drops out. Don't you think it would be better if we get along?"

"After all the things you did to me in my Freshman year and for the rest of my high school years... I think no." I said, coldly. Going over to stand up from my bed to go out to campus.

"I'm sorry, okay? I was a jerk for the whole of my high school... but I'm in college now and I need to start acting serious, my Mom wants me to finish a course; what I'm saying is, I want the two of us to get along. So, I'm sorry, Zane... for everything." He says with full sincerity in his voice, even I can't deny that.

"Fine... for now, I'll accept your apology; but that doesn't mean we're friends, you have four years to prove that you are worthy of my trust." I said, before finally opening the door and slamming it shut as I went out.

And I swear... there was a smile on his face as I said that. A genuine smile.

1st Month of Zane's College Freshman Year

I'm going to be 19 soon. I thought.

It's only been a month since my first year of college started. I met a lot of new people and teachers in that span. People here weren't jerks as much as high school, Gene was right, you do get serious about your studies once it's college already.

For my studies, I was doing surprisingly well. My schedule is a bit all over the place and there were some nights when I wouldn't be able to get even 6 hours of sleep in a row, but I've been managing.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now