[43] Months of Despair

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Zane's P.O.V.

March (1st Month of Despair)

I didn't want to know how many times I've heard the pleads and cries of my family and friends to get out of my room and go outside.

I knew it was March already.

That's as far as I could know.

I still went to school, though, since I didn't want to destroy my future and there's a certain university I'm aiming for. Plus, my Mom wants all her children to at least graduate high school.

Even this way, I retracted from society; only sometimes eating with my friends... most of the time, I'll be in the empty halls or at the parking lot.

That's the only time my friends saw me, aside from classes.

At home, I would only go out to eat or drink food. That's it.

I remember how my Mom cried at the depression I was in. She couldn't blame anyone since she knew it would come to this once I knew what did happen.

Every single day, more than 5 people will knock on my door to plead me to come out of my room and talk.

Most of the time it's Mom, first runner-up would be Vylad, and then Garroth, then finally, my Dad.

For my friends, it varied everyday.

From going here by themselves to going in groups. Even the Golden Daggers visited more than twice!

I didn't care, I didn't answer.

At one point, I heard Kawaii~Chan crying at how I wouldn't come out.

It was already the middle of March.

Vylad would always wait outside my room for me to come out, either sitting against the door or the wall... he was always there.

One time, he had a cold. But he still sat, leaning against the wall beside my door.

When I came out at 12 midnight to get some food, I saw him fast asleep beside my bedroom door. Nose red from his cold.

My heart ached for the effort of my brother, so I carried him into his room.

I placed a warm wet towel on his head, and put medicine and water on his night stand.

"Z-Zane?" He called out, "Just go back to sleep, Vylad." I said, closing the door behind me before he could say anything else.

Inside my room was a different story. I was a mess.

The room hasn't been cleaned in a long time and my trash bin has been filled with tissues and tissue boxes.

Every night I would fall asleep crying.

My room was always dark and my covers were always burying me.

I didn't touch my phone, only did if it was important.

I avoided my ponies to my dismay... it reminded me too much of her.

Our spot is where I would go when I needed to think, it always ends up with me crying, but what could I do?

The My Little Horsies Play-shop, on the other hand, I still went there in my free time. Trying to bring myself to happiness around them.

I haven't been ice skating, though... my body doesn't have the energy to do it.

Sylvana has been trying to text me, I don't really answer them.

Then again, I don't answer any texts...

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now