[34] (Revelations - Part 1) L.A.G.

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***Sadly, you guys didn't reach the 100 followers challenge I set up :((. But that's okay! Here's the next chapter.

Saturday - January 21

Aphmau's P.O.V.

"Hah! I beat you to it, Falconclaw," I stick out my tongue as I did a small victory dance, mocking Aaron completely. Looking back to him, I could see that he was completely whipped.

His red tracksuit was drenched in sweat, it was zipped a bit too low so he could get air, making his 6-pack seen. When I first saw it, I kinda blushed.

His shorts and shoes were a bit messy now, including his hair. He was panting heavily and chugged down his water, before gesturing to me.

"I was just going easy on you, Phoenix. Don't get too cocky." He says as he steps closer to me with a smirk on his face, making me roll my eyes.

"Plus, I run everyday for about 2 hours! This is nothing!" He exasperates as he takes a step back from me, gesturing to himself. "Then why are you panting like a dog from a 7-kilometer race that you clearly lost?" I retort as I fix my high ponytail again.

I was wearing a black fitted tank top along with running tights, finished off by my lucky and favorite running shoes.

"You just have more energy in you," He says as we continue to walk down the trail going to my house. "True that. At least I wasn't being told stories that was cutting my ear off by Sylvana." I said, referring to my mother telling a lot of stories to Aaron.

You see, the Falconclaws decided to stop by at our place this Saturday morning. Apparently, mom already knew that, but she didn't tell me.

I was supposed to go out on my morning jog when they came; apparently so, Aaron was also supposed to go on a run, but he was dragged into the car by Melissa and his parents to pay a visit to us, thus him arriving in running clothes.

We just decided to run together once our families were okay with us leaving.

Mom was very fond of Aaron for the most part, so she kept on talking to him along with Rachel, Aaron's mom. I was having a peaceful conversation with Melissa, at least - someone who understands how tiring it is to talk to adults who try so well to be "fresh", as my mom would call it. Aaron's dad was having a phone call outside the house for the 30 minutes we were talking.

As we speak, our families are most likely still talking with each other while me and Aaron go out on a pleasant run.

"What's the deal with you and mask boy, anyways?" Aaron asks as we continue to walk down the path. I gulped a bit when he asked the question, remembering how we still need to act as a couple.

Then of course, there was that night.

The one on Christmas Eve.

Just like the kiss, we didn't really talk about it. Zane didn't seem like he was going to bring it up and wasn't comfortable yet with it... that was just what it seemed like, I can't confirm it.

"You mean Zane? I- uhh... He's-" I tried to stutter out, not really knowing how or if I should tell Aaron anything.

The thing about this fake couple thing is that I really want to tell the three the truth... It just feels wrong already.

Lying to them, lying to myself, lying to Zane... using Zane even if he tells me it isn't like that.

It's the near end of January already... and I've been pondering over the thought for some time.

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