[16] (A Play With The Gang - Part 2) Right?

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*You can listen to the song while reading ^^*

Friday – September 16 (Day of Performance)

Jeffory's P.O.V.

Here we were, sitting inside the bus, awaiting departure to the preschool we were supposed to perform in.

Right beside me was Aph, sleeping soundly as she rested her head on the soft cushion she was leaning on. Sighing, I looked back at what happened yesterday, just after we entered Drama class.



"Wait, what?! What kind of decision is that, Katelyn? She just can't change the script last minute!" I intervene as soon as Katelyn broke the news to Aphmau.

"I know, I know," Katelyn massages her temples as she faces a shocked Aphmau, then facing me, "But Jeffory, Miss just said to add it after the confession; so, it's technically the last scene." Sighing, I grabbed Katelyn's forearm and dragged her into the corner of the classroom, so I could talk to her privately.

"I get it, there won't be much hassle since they just need to kiss after the confession and that's it. Yet kissing? These two have never kissed each other before... and by the looks of it, both of them are pretty startled." I explain as I eye Katelyn, then glanced at Aphmau, and finally Zane.

"Believe me, I said almost the exact thing to our teacher, but she goes on rambling about some stupid things like art a-and... acting, or whatever!" Sighing once more, I was suddenly dragged by Katelyn going back to Zane, like what I did to her only moments ago.

"Aph, can you come over here for a second!" Katelyn calls out as Aph took a shaky breath and took anxious steps going to a beet red and panicky Zane.

"Please, please tell me this isn't your first kiss," Katelyn begs as she stares at Aphmau, who was slightly taken aback. "Well... I-I, umm... K-Katelyn... I-It's n-not really my-... my first k-kiss," Aphmau said, an evident crack and stutter in her voice, as she looked down to her feet and a sad aura enveloping her...

I could only wonder why and who the realm stole her first kiss...

"Oh, thank Irene, good... but, you don't mind, do you?" Katelyn said warily as she gently touched Aphmau's shoulder. Looking up, a nod was the only reaction Aphmau gave.

And from the corner of my eye, I swear, I saw Vylad watching our ordeal and discussion as well...

"Ahem! Why does no one care if this is my first kiss?" Zane protests as blush was still evident on his cheeks, "Well, is it?" Katelyn smugly replies as she crosses her arms over her chest, a smirk across her features, "I-I'm not gonna answer that..." His blush only deepened as he said those words, looking away as Katelyn punched him. "That's a yes," She chuckles as Zane scratched his nape.

I, on the other hand, looked over to Aph to see that she was still fazed by what happened. Strange.

And yet, a part of me is extremely curious as well...



We didn't get the opportunity to practice the kissing scene as the whole period took up practicing the whole play, and we didn't get to practice during breaks today either since the transportation going to the preschool was on our very first period... Drama Class.

Staring out the window, I slowly looked over to Aphmau, seeing as she was still sleeping, I fixed my gaze over what's beyond Aph, the isle, then another pair of seats... containing Cadenza and Vylad.

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