[44] Check

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Saturday - May 13 (Ro'Meave Residence)

Zane's P.O.V.

Even with everything going on, I still needed closure about how Garroth, Laurance, and Aaron really feel about Aphmau.

I've been doing better now, I've gotten back to my old self. I hang-out with my friends and I don't lock myself in my room, I talk with my family and I don't let everything bottled up.

Those three always try to talk to me ever since I'd started my despair, and up to now, they still do. I wasn't a jerk so of course I talked to them when they wanted me to. I know they're hurting as well... just like me.

Today will be the first time I will talk to them first, I will start the conversation.

It was a Saturday and the family had just finish eating lunch, Vylad was helping Mom with the dishes and Dad was doing some work in his study.

That leaves me and Garroth.

Garroth went up to his room to get some homework done, so I decided it would be the best time to talk to him.

Once I reached his open room, I knocked at the door three times even if it was open. Garroth's head shot up from his laptop and he smiled at me, "Can I come in?" I asked, my pride betraying me for being the first one to start a conversation with my brother.

"Well, that's a first..." Garroth mutters with wide eyes, making me scoff, "But sure, come in." He ushers me in as he sits up from his bed, moving his stuff aside and patted a seat beside him.

In no time, awkward silence filled the room; because even if he is my brother... we aren't very close and we do like the same girl.

"So... what do you want to talk about, baby brother?" He asks, clasping his hands together as I wanted to throw up at his cheesy nickname he always uses on me and Vylad.

"How do you really feel about Aphmau?"

I was blunt, okay? I get it!

Garroth face morphed from confusion to a light chuckle, "Seeking some answers, aren't we?" He asks as he leans on his headboard, hands behind his head.

"Well... I can't really blame you, so I'll tell you," He looks up to the ceiling and sighs, "Aphmau, she... I liked her since the beginning of high school, you probably remember me saying that when I blatantly confessed to her along with my other 2 best friends." I wanted to chuckle at his also blunt demeanor.

He furrows his eyebrows and continued, "There was something about her, y'know? Something about her that made me want to stick by her and protect her... love her and be with her. She drew that much attention to me."

I nodded my head in understanding. Seeing as she has that pull on me, too.

"You may or may not have noticed it by now... but us Ro'Meave brothers have a certain attachment to Aph, be it in a platonic way or a romantic way; for both you and I's case, it's romantic, for Vylad's case, - as far as I can see - it's platonic." He explains, and my eyebrows furrowed at the truth behind those words.

How did I not notice that before?

"That very attachment is what moved me to do what ever I can to become close to her and stay with her in every way I could... even if we don't or will never end up together." He says, his voice cracking at the last part.

"Sure, the truth is... I was really, really jealous of you and Vylad; you two had a different bond with her and were her best friends. Especially with you, Zane, your bond seems unbreakable-" He took a moment to glance at me as he said that, "-If you, me, and Aphmau all ride a boat together and it sinks, there's no doubt she'll save you first before me; even if we both know she'll try to save both of us... if she really can't, I will be left to drown."

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now