[7] (Why's and What If's - Part 1) Shirtless with Shorts

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Thursday (At Home)

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Why did he need to change?

Why did I need to fall for him?

Why did I keep telling myself that he was still the same guy I knew from Freshman year?


What if I was more careful with my emotions?

What if I ignored him since the start?

What if I prohibited myself from ever liking him?

What if?

It all comes to those questions in our wandering heads, doesn't it?

Why and What if?

Sighing, I rolled myself over on my soft bed; as a way to comfort my aching body, a gateway to rest my mind and stop thinking about him.

No one really knows about him except Vylad.

No, let me rephrase.

No one really knows what happened between us except for Vylad.

The only thing me and Vylad doesn't know is what happened to us for everything to start crashing down.

Honestly, it's hard not telling Zane anything.

Or even any of my friends.

I briefly closed my eyes taking in the bland smell of my air-tight room; before opening them to see a little pony on my nightstand. It's lifeless and plastic body calling to me.

My eyes widened and I swiftly got the small toy.

Oh no. I forgot to return this to Zane! He's going to seriously kill me!

"Oh well, I'm bored anyways; might as well drop this by his place..." I mumbled to nothing but the small figurine which booms with an enticing capability to make someone happy.

I wonder, how does a small toy hold so much reason and ambition to light up the void filling one's day and night?

Still holding it in the palm of my hands; I groggily stood up from my bed, rolling the duvet over to the other side of the white warmth.

Might as well get ready...

Garroth's P.O.V.

You know you could just ask her out, right?

I don't know, should I?

Of course, blondie! What do you think?

I mean I just-

Garroth... One day she'll lose interest; and you're gonna regret not making a move on her once you see her in another guys' arms...

Jeffory's words rang through my ears as I tightened my hold on my cellular phone; forcefully shutting my eyes as I released a long sigh.


I didn't respond, instead, I slowly opened my eyes to meet my dull ceiling facing me.

Hello-... Garroth?


For Irene's sake, Garroth!

As he finished off his slight curse; the doorbell suddenly rang, alarming me to sit up and face it.

Jeffory... I-... I'll call you back.

 Accidental Intentions (A ZANEMAU FANFIC) |  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now