[4] A Fangirl's Rage

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Wednesday (At School)

Katelyn's P.O.V.

I was frustratedly fixing my things inside the locker, pushing them all in harshly, doing my best to fit them in. As soon as I was done a sighed deeply and slammed the locker door shut. Facing a leaning Aphmau smirking to herself like an idiot.

Irene, why do girls always get giddy over some stupid guy. Ugh!

"So you mean to tell me that you two were about to kiss?" I said accusingly as I crossed my arms over my chest. She didn't seem to hear me since she's still smirking and zoning out. Tsk, probably daydreaming about one of them again. I sometimes wanna face palm my head out.

I snapped my fingers in front of her until I got her attention.

"Wha- What? Oh, Katelyn; uh, what did you say again?" She asked as she looks at me with her caramel eyes.

I sighed and answered her back, "I said: 'So you mean to tell me that you two were about to kiss?'" She suddenly blushed a bright pink and a smile was tugging at her face.

"Yeah, until he interrupted. Sometimes, I wonder if he's my real dad. The dude's super over protective." She shakes her head as she giggles a bit. My mind was theorizing to why he was so over protective.

Could he possibly like her? No. No way, he doesn't look like the type to crush on Aph.

I didn't realize that I was speaking a loud. Thank Irene I was murmuring inaudibly.

"What was that?" She asked with that cliché phrase. I looked back at her and gave an innocent 'oh nothing' look. Which she slowly nodded unsurely in response.

"So anyway, just make sure to take care of yourself. Don't want my little Aphmau to get hurt." I said trying to sound sweet but she interpreted it differently.

"Now you're just being like a mother, which would be weird since Zane acts like my dad and so-"I cringed suddenly at her words before cutting her off abruptly. "Don't..... even say it, Aphmau." I shivered as I held a finger onto her lips.

She giggled at my action and I felt myself laugh as well.

Until a certain someone showed up.

"Heeeeeey Katelyn~" Oh for dimension's sake, please get rid of this jerk right now and I will forever be in your debt.

"Travis, go. away." I said as I grit my teeth, I slowly looked over to Aphmau to see that she was looking down, fiddling with the hem of her shirt, I suddenly frowned. What's wrong with her?

"No can do, baby I-"He said flirtatiously but suddenly stopped talking. I would be thanking Irene right now if I was not worried about how they were both acting around each other. I looked over to Travis who was silently biting his lip and also looking down. What? Why is he like this? What's wrong with him too?

"Katelyn, I-I need to go, see you i-in the cafeteria in a fe-... in a few." She says, stuttering a bit while sighing and gulping mid-sentence. I was slightly worried, but more of concerned. In a matter of seconds, she was gone.

I looked back over to Travis to see that he was also gone. Not even uttering a flirtatious goodbye or something. It was weird.

I decided to just shake it off and head to the cafeteria for lunch. I was walking silently in the hall; I was processing what just happened. Then again, it could just be a minor thing I don't need to think much of.

Maybe she heard what I murmured and felt confused about it. And maybe he just remembered he needed to do something. Yeah, that's it.

I was about to enter the cafeteria when I was distracted by a familiar voice talking. I looked to the end of the hall where no one was and I see Vylad and Aphmau talking. I went to a set of lockers and decided to eavesdrop a bit. Though, I could not make out any single word they were uttering.

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