Ch. 1 England

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Just a clarification that none of this would be realistic. It's a Fanfiction for a reason I know some of the characters might not do what they do in the story. It's just my creation. Thanks :)

"Dani Dani! we're here!" Tyler yells shaking my shoulder and pointing out the airplane window. I took off my sleeping mask looking out the window with Tyler. We were on our way to England as a little surprise for some of our friends there.

I was quite nervous because I have such anxiety with heights and airplanes. Tyler squealed while taking pictures of the clouds. I sat back in my seat and smiled to myself. I've never been to England and I was so excited to finally be going. I took out my vlogging camera and started

"So Tyler where are we?"
"Englannnd!" he whisper yelled while laughing. I filmed the sky and then filmed Tyler and I making funny faces!

Later on we got off the plane and made our way through the airport taking pictures with some fans then off to the hotel we were staying at. Tyler and I shared a room that had 2 beds and an amazing view. Tyler was my best friend, yes Tyler Oakley, the one and only. he's the one who introduced me to YouTube.

"Hey girl, ready to go to the Zalfie residence?"
"oh! I'm so excited to see them!" I replied. I've met Zoe and Alfie before at YouTube events so we're already really great friends.

We finally arrived and made our way to the door. Alfie opened the door with his camera in his hand filming "look who it is!" Tyler and I both gave him a hug as he led us inside. "Zoe will be back in a couple, she took Nala for a walk with Joe." Alfie said. "Joe?" i questioned. I know of him of course but never actually been introduced to him. "The other Sugg." Tyler said followed by a laugh.

"I know. But, Alfie you promised me cupcakes. Where are they?" I say. While Alfie made his way to the kitchen and I followed. He opened up the box with 6 cupcakes in them and I picked up the Vanilla Cake with Pink Frosting on top. As I put it to my face to dig in, Tyler pushed it straight into my face getting it all over my mouth and nose.

"Tyler! you sneaky shit!" I laughed as he ran off into the living room, I turned around to see Zoe and Joe. "Dani!" Zoe yelled. I smiled then looked over at Joe who was smiling. He was incredibly gorgeous. Hair so luscious, Eyes so Gentle. Man I am not kidding when I say this, but I could stare at his face all day. "Zoe!" I yelled back and gave her a hug. hoping she doesn't notice I wasn't just totally staring at her brother. "um you've got a little something on your face." she says while laughing.

"my fault." Tyler says while walking in and raising his hand up. Tyler and Zoe exchange hugs. "I'm Joe, by the way. don't think we've officially met" still with the frosting on my face I reply with a "I know, I'm Danica, well Dani." I laugh. "Let me go wash up." I say while going to the bathroom.

Yay for a Joe Sugg fanfic. Let me know what you think please :)

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