Ch. 4 Party & Joe Cuddles

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Next day in the hotel room
"Tyler can you zip this?" I say coming out of the bathroom. Tyler just stands there in awe with his hand over his mouth. "Dani you look hot as hell!" I blush and he zips the back of my dress (image above) "you're matching me right?" I ask while fixing my curled hair then I hear a knock at the door.

"Actually.." Tyler starts to say then opens the door. "He is." I turn around. "Troye!" I yell then giving him a big hug. Troye Sivan was also one of my best friends. "Dani! you look so good oh my god!" he says. "That's what I said!" Tyler agrees while laughing.

We arrive and I go to greet Zoe and Louise. "Where's Alfie?" I ask mid conversation. "He went to get a Gin, of course." Zoe says then waves to someone behind me. I turn around to see Joe.

Joe's POV
I see Zoe waving at me and as I'm about to walk to her I see Dani turn around. Our eyes meet instantly as we scan each other up and down. And my goodness she looked.. Beautiful. She starts smiling and Zoe & Louise start giggling. "Did I say that aloud?" I ask embarrassed. Zoe nods her head. "Indeed Joe you did. Very smooth" Dani says while smiling. "You look very.. dashing as well." She says while looking me up and down then walking pass me to go see Troye.

"Has my wittle brother got a crush?" Zoe teases. I roll my eyes. "Oh stop. I've only known her less then 3 days." Zoe shrugs then says "fair enough." I walk to the bar to grab a drink and as I turn around of course I bump into someone.

"oh sorry" I look to see its Dani. "At least nothing spilled." she laughs. "That wouldn't have been good considering how beautiful that dress looks on you."
"Is Joe Sugg flirting with me?" she smirks. "depends, are you flattered?" I say taking a sip of my drink. "I am."

Dani's POV
Joe and I spend the rest of the night chatting and laughing about random things. Until Troye and Tyler announce we have to leave.

The next morning I wake up with my head pounding. "Take this" Tyler says handing me some aspirin and water. I do as he says. "Did I drink that much?" he laughs "No you banged your head on the car while you were trying to get in, and I knew it would give you a headache this morning." I choke on the water a bit and then laugh. "ohh yeaahh!"

I stayed in bed for half the day while Tyler and Troye went out. I decided to get some editing done and this headache was killer. Then decided to watch some cheesy movies.

All of a sudden I hear a knock at the door. I furrow my eyebrows then go and open it to see Joe. A smile comes to my face. "Tyler said you could use some company."

"Tyler was wrong." I say starting to close the door in his face but he pushes it back open. "very funny, but I brought some cupcakes." I look at the box then look back up at him. "Fine you can come in." he smiles and i climb back into bed. "So what're you up to today?" "you're looking at it."
"just laying in bed? sounds like fun. Can I join?" he says putting the box of cupcakes in front of me.

"I'm not just laying in bed. I'm watching cheesy romantic movies." I smile wide but still looking at the computer.

"Even better. I love those." he says still waiting for me to invite him next to me.

I look up at him and then pat the spot next to me for him to join. He smiles and gets in. We started out just laying side by side. But each time we would point out something dumb about the movie or just something funny, we got closer together. I do know I ended up falling asleep on his shoulder.

I was woken up by the door slamming. Unintentionally of course. Joe's arm was across my stomach, his hand on my waist. His head against mine, but he didn't wake up. I moved my head, and his head dropped to my shoulder. But he still didn't wake up.

Tyler passes my bed and notices Joe and I. His eyebrows raise them gives me a thumps up. I just laugh, trying to maneuver myself. "No. Stay!" Tyler whisper yelled at me.

I was pretty tired. But did I want to move Joe? not really. Did he want to stay though?

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