Ch. 41 Fun With Alfie

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"So that's why Joe didn't come." Zoe says while looking at her hands after I explained what happened. I bite my lip. "I don't know if I should tell Joe." she looks at me. "I can't make that decision for you. You have to do what you think you should do."

I stand up, pacing back and forth."Well would you tell Alfie?" she slowly nods her head up and down.

"Am I a bad person?" I bite my nails and Zoe stands up letting out a playful laugh. "Nooo. Not at all. It wasn't your fault. I see why you didn't tell him, Dani. I would be afraid to tell Alfie. Only of his reaction and what he might do or what he might think of me. But then if I thought about it more, Alfie loves me, he stays by my side no matter what and would do anything to protect me. And that's exactly how Joe is with you."

Her words really got to me. I don't know why I'm so afraid. It was just one big misunderstanding.

"Tell you what, stay here and sort it out whether or not you want to tell him." she gives me a smile followed by a hug.

I rang Joe and told him I'd be staying here a little. He wasn't happy about me not telling him. But I told him he needs to stay with Caspar.

Two days have passed and I'm still at Zoe and Alfie's. I check in with Joe every once in awhile. But he's busy with Caspar and I'm busy here, filming, helping them, going out. But I did make up my mind. I would tell him.

I'm upstairs when I hear Zoe in her cheerful voice. "Helloooo!" Joe must be here. He came around to film with Zoe. And also to see me. 😏

"Yeah she's upstairs, go on." I hear Alfie say, then footsteps up the stairs. I agreed to tell Joe later tonight after he's filmed and hung out with Zoe.

I'm sitting on the bed editing, my door open. He knocks on it, coming in with a huge smile. Clearly contagious because I smile too.

I stand up and wrap my arms around his body, cuddling into his chest as he wraps his arms around my back.

"I missed you" he says kissing the top of my head. I look up at him. "I missed you moooore." I tease. He just smiles and kisses me.

We release from each other and I sit back on the bed. "How's Caspar?" I say with a less happy tone and looking at my laptop. "He's alright. His break up was tough. But he's managing a lot better."  he says opening his bag and taking his Grey Hoodie out.

He takes off his white T-Shirt and puts on the Hoodie. I just smirk at his body. "Come on." he says motioning me to follow him downstairs. I walk pass him and he pinches my side. "Ow what the hell!" I say facing him. "That's what you get." He says with a smile. I give him a glare then jump on his back, he just carries me down the stairs.

We all hangout, go out and grab some food, and watch some films. Zoe and Joe go upstairs to film which leaves Alfie and I.

"Oi do you wanna boosted board?" Alfie asks me. I look outside and it's still pretty light out so I agree.

I stand on the board gripping on Alfie's arm. "Ehhh I'm scared." I whine but giggle. "It's just like writing a skate board." he says with his vlogging camera in his hand. "I can't even ride a skate board!" I say with a more worried expression, making him laugh.

"It's easy I promise. I'll put it on the low one." I let go of Alfie's arm and stand with my knees bent. "If Zoe can do it, so can you." i giggle a bit but trust him.

He counts down from 3 and I'm off. It actually isn't bad, quite fun. "I'm doing it!" I yell and hear Alfie laughing. "Yoo look at her go! she's a natural."

Alfie has 2 of them so we play around on those in a park.

"Should we have a race?" he says in his camera. My eyes go big. "Um no you'd win!" I laugh a bit. "Oh come on." "If I can sit on it." he laughs. "That's cheating. Oi fine we'll both sit on it and race." I agree to that.

Of course, Alfie wins. I love hanging out with Alfie, he's such a joy. It definitely took my mind off the Caspar thing.

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