Ch. 54 Back to England

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I see Finn chatting with Connor Franta & Joey Graceffa. I walk closer hoping he would notice me. Thankfully, he caught eyes with me. I nodded my head motioning him to follow.

I walked into the hallway, out of the room, so it was quieter and there wasn't a lot of people around. He met with me. We were both standing, face to face with each other. He fiddled with his fingers as I just looked at my shoes.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted." Finn spoke up. I looked at him, but he didn't make eye contact with me.

"I missed you.". I say softly.

He flashes a smile, finally looking at me. "But I should apologize. I shouldn't have mentioned that shit and-" "Dani, don't. I said things, you said things, it's in the past. Can we keep it that way?" he says sticking his pinky out. I smile and interlock my pinky with his, and give him a hug.

"Come on, you owe me a dance." I tease, and we walk back in the room. We danced and laughed and joined our friends, spending the last night getting 'turnt.'

"Joe I know. -- Yes, yes. -- Okay. -- love you too, bye." I hang up the phone as I pull the covers over my head. I couldn't stay in Joe's hotel room last night because Tyler and Finn made me come back to Tyler's so we can have a little party of our own before i left. I'm still not sure if Finn is coming with.

But Joe just called reminding me I had to be at his hotel in 30 minutes so we can go.

I hear the door open, I peek out of the covers and its Tyler, with a sad face. I pull the covers back over my face. Then Tyler peeks his head in the covers from at the end of the bed and squirms his way next to me, still under the covers.

"It's not too late to change your mind." he says putting his head on my tummy. "I wish I could stay." I whine. Next thing I know I feel Tyler's hands on my side and he pushes me out of bed, he laughs. "Tyler, you dick!" I laugh too, taking a pillow and hitting him.

Still on the floor, Finn opens the door. He looks at me then Tyler, who's still giggling, then shakes his head. "When do you have to leave?" he asks. I look at my phone. 10:58. "Like 25 minutes."

Tyler groans again. I already packed most of my stuff last night so I was good to go.

"Okay, should I drive?" I give him a weird look. "I already told you last night, I'm taking a taxi, so you can be with Jack this morning, cause his flight is later." he sticks his hands in his pockets. "Jack and I will have plenty of time to be together back in England."

My eyes go wide. "Wait you're coming back to England?" he nods his head. I stand up so fast and jump on him giving him a hug. "Aw yay I'm so excited"

"I'm not!" Tyler says. "But I am happy for you guys." he smiles.

I take a shower, get dressed, say goodbye to Tyler which feels like it takes 100 years, I'll miss him. Then Finn drops me off at The hotel.

Joe was already down in the lobby so we went off from there.

It was a long flight. I didn't have the same flight as Finn though. Only Joe, Marcus, Louise, Zoe and Alfie.

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