Ch. 21 Unfriendly

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The next day we made the video. Friends were texting us saying they knew it would happen and that they were happy for us. Of course I was worried about getting hate but I didn't care to be on social media today.

There was a party going on later that day for YouTubers so I was down in Joe's room getting ready. "Dani you almost ready?" I hear Caspar call from up the stairs. "yeah!" I yell back. I grab my shoes and go upstairs.

I clung to Joe most of the time as a bunch of reporters asked us multiple questions and took pictures of us. He knew how I was with paparazzi. not great. It's very overwhelming for me.

"Dani!" I hear Zoe call. I let go of Joe's hand to go greet her. "Hey Zoe, wow I love your outfit." I smile at her. "aw thanks. it's so great to hear you guys are official." I smile at her and nod.

A familiar face walks up to us. "Hey Zoe." she greets her. "Hey Emma! Emma this is Dani, I don't know if you've met yet." She turns to me with an eyebrow raised "So you're Dani?" she smiles but I could tell it was a sarcastic bitch smile.

"Yeah that's me. Great to meet you. " I smile trying to be friendly. "Right. I heard about you and Joe. So weird seeing how he is the type to sleep around, not be committed."

I furrow my eyebrows. "You do know that's my brother you're talking about." Zoe says with a straight face looking at Emma. "And my boyfriend. Please watch what you say." I snap back at her. She smiles the same sarcastic smile. "I'm only joking." she says then walking away.

"What's her problem?" I say to Zoe as we both give Emma a dirty look as she walks away. "No clue."

Just then Joe comes over and wraps his arm around my waist while standing by me. "Sometimes I like getting my picture taken, sometimes I don't." he says laughing. Zoe and I are still standing there in shock about how rude Emma was. "you alright?" Joe says looking at me then Zoe. "Yeah great." I smile up at him.

I look back over to Emma who's staring me down. "Oh wow it's already 7, I'm gonna go find Alfie." Zoe says then says goodbye to us. "I'll go get us a drink." I say to Joe.

When I come back I find Joe talking to Emma. "Thanks, love." Joe says taking the drink. "You've met Emma, right?" he says after taking a gulp. "Yeah we just met, lovely girlfriend you have here." she butts in before I say anything. "I know right." Joe says smiling at me. I brush it off then take Joe's hand and lead him away. "Can we go? my head hurts." He agrees then we leave.

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