Ch. 32 Day With Louise

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"Alright I'll see you in a bit!" I say to Louise as I hang up the phone. Louise has rang me up, asking to meet her for coffee. Joe and Caspar were having some lunch so I went and to tell Joe that I was off.

"Hiya babe" Louise greets me as I give her a hug. "How are you?" I ask as we walk in the coffee shop. "I'm alright, thanks. Darcy wanted to come but I said, It's a Mummy and Dani play date" I let out a giggle. I love Darcy, I just love children in general, and Darcy and I get along very well.

We order our coffee and talk about all sorts of things. I tell her about what happened with Caspar and she laughs. But so do I because thinking back to it, it was kind funny. "Did he tell you why he came around Joe's instead of going home?"

"Yeah Joe's was closer to the bar he was at. Pretty sure Caspar will stay for a couple more nights. He said he wants to be around Joe. Because of the break up with Kate." I explain.

"Oh yeah. He told me about that not too long ago. Can you believe he walked in on her with some other guy?" She says all wide eyed. "I know! Caspar is an attractive male. I don't know why she would do that. If I walked in on Joe-." I shake my head and lick my lips. Louise laughs.

Later after gossiping I get out my vlogging camera. "It's alright if I vlog right?" she laughs, "Of course"

"Hey everyone. I know I haven't vlogged in a while but I thought today would be a good day to vlog since I'm with this one." I turn the camera and face it to Louise, she was drinking and accidentally spilled just a little bit down her chin so she laughs making me laugh. "oh hello"

"I always manage to get you at the best times." we both laugh.

Later on we decided to take a stroll down the lanes and just go into some shops, also taking pictures with a couple of viewers.

"I'm so happy about you and Joe." She says whilst we're looking at some makeup.

"He's such a sweetheart when he isn't being a dick." she says making me laugh but I nod my head agreeing. "But all seriousness he really deserves someone like you. It's funny though, you're both quite alike, and that's what I love."

"You think so?" i question, but also concentrated on trying to match a foundation with my skin tone.

"Yeah I really do. But I'm sure a lot of people say they love you guys together. I'm surprised he found a girl shorter than him, that he actually likes"

My concentration breaks and I start laughing. "I am pretty short." I manage to say and she chuckles too.

I really like hanging out with Louise. We're not really close, but we're close enough. She has such great spunk and is just a delight to be around. She always manages to make me laugh at the weirdest times and unintentionally and I just love her.

"Guess what?" I say standing up, taking the foundation I found. "What?" "I've always shipped you and Dan." She laughs. "I ship myself with everyone, if I'm honest." I giggle and agree.

Louise and I finally agree on a place to eat, when her phone goes off.

"Yeah I am how'd you know?"
She mouths the words "It's Zoe" to me.
"Really? Are you joking?" there's a pause then she laughs.
"Alright see you."

"So Zoe is in Town because she had a meeting here and she saw a picture on Twitter with us and a viewer, so she thought she could grab food with us, that okay?" she says, and I say it's fine.

I thought I would make a chapter with Louise because I was just watching some of her videos and I just really love her. :) Some of these chapters might not be ALL about Joe, but it just shows you the friendship she has with the others. *******ALSO BIG CRISIS/PROBLEM COMING SO STAY TUNED*****

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