Ch. 56 The Big Day

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Image above is how her hair looks.

It was finally the big day. Butterflies consumed my stomach. Okay, It was either butterflies or vomit.

I asked Zoe to be the maid of honor. She of course accepted it. Louise, Tanya, Niomi, and Eva were my bridesmaids. I didn't have a lot of friends, but I was friendly with a lot. Niomi and Eva being those girls that I was quite friendly with but never got around to hanging out with.

I had just put on my dress.


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"Dani.. you look.. " - "Like a dream." Louise finishes Tanya's sentence. "Absolutely Stunning." Niomi  adds. "The perfect Bride." Zoe chimes in, tears in her eyes. "Zoe don't! if you start, then I'll start-" "And then I'll start as well." Eva interrupts. We all giggle and hold back the tears.

I can't wait to see Joe.

Zoe walked down the isle with Alfie.
Tanya with Jim.
Eva with Caspar.
Niomi with Marcus.
Louise with Oli.

Now, of course I'm not close with my father nor did I want him walking me down the isle. That position will be filled in by my best friend. Tyler. I asked him and he was thrilled. He said he would rather walk me down the isle than be a bridesmaid anyway. I called Finn, never got an answer.

It was finally time.

They've all walked and it was my time.
"You ready?" Tyler asks. I shake my head in nervousness. He smiles at me. "I'm so happy for you, Dani. You look amazing, and you're now marrying your Prince Charming. You can do this." he talks me up. I take in a breath. Here we go.

I made eye contact with Joe the whole time. He teared up, watching me. But didn't let himself cry, making me laugh a bit but I had the biggest grin on my face.

You know what happens next, we share vows, rings and a kiss.

We had the after party, filled with dancing, drinking, friends, celebrations. Everything a girl could ask for. I'm happy with my Prince.

"I love you so much." Joe whispers to me as we slow dance.

"I never want to be without you." I whisper back. He places a kiss on my lips, sneaking some smiles in between the kiss. "You're my happy ending." he adds.

I never want this moment to end.

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