Ch. 38 Drunk Caspar

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It's been about an hour or 2, since Casp and Joe have left. I finally find a stopping place in editing, and go to grab a water. I hear the front door open. "Joe?" I call out.

In comes a stumbling Caspar. "Joe with you?" "Nooo, he stayed with Oli and Josh, silly." I laughed at his drunken self. "Alright then why are you back?"

"Tired." he leans against the wall closing his eyes. "Alright, come here." I grab his arm and lead him to the couch. He starts looking Ill, so I grab a nearby box and he vomits, getting some on my shirt. I make a disgusted look. "Sorry." he says laughing a bit. "Stay here." I say going to change my shirt.

I take off my shirt, then hear the door open. I don't have a bra on so I immediately cling to the vomit stained shirt, not exposing myself. "Caspar what the hell!" He gives me a weird look. "How.. how could you do this to me?" he stutters.

"what? Caspar, get out so I can change." I say pointing my finger to the door. He pushes my arm and grabs my jawline, roughly. "Caspar!" I yell trying to yank his arm away. He's too strong.

My shirt drops and he forcefully pushes me on the bed. I grab the covers and place them around my body. "Caspar stop! what the hell are you doing!? get out. Now!" I yell loudly. Not loud enough.

"You hooked up with him! you thought I wouldn't find out? Guess what? I did!" he slurs his words, loudly. Making me flinch. Does he think I'm Kate? he starts unbuckling his pants and I tremble in fear.

"Caspar! stop!" He pulls his pants down, exposing himself, then hovers over me. "Caspar it's Dani. Look at me! It's Dani. Not Kate, Please. Stop!"

He was yanking my pants down, when he stops when they're about mid thigh down. He gets up and runs out to the bathroom, I can hear him vomiting. I immediately get up, shut the door and lock it.

I grab one of Joe's T Shirts and put it on. Pulling my shorts back on. I dial Joe's number. No answer. Damnit! "Kate I'm sorry!" I hear Caspar shout from the bathroom. But in a tone of tiredness.

I dial Oli's number. "Dani?" thank god. "Yeah Oli it's me, is Joe around?" I ask through the phone. "Yeah, he's a bit drunk though." I hear him chuckle. "Don't worry he's behaving fine." I roll my eyes. "Could you just have him catch a cab home please." i guess I sounded stressed. "You alright?" I sigh. "Yeah, fine. Just scared being alone here, nothing bad." I lie. "Alright." the conversation ends.

I put my ear to the door and don't hear Caspar vomiting. Only snoring. Should I keep the door unlocked for Joe? Or locked for Caspar?

I waited a half hour and still Joe isn't here.

I put my ear against the door again. I can't hear Caspar breathing. I open the door and go to where he is. He's moved from the bathroom to the couch, sleeping.

I go back to the room, leaving the door unlocked. And go to sleep.

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