Ch. 49 Strictly Friends

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I wake up next to Finn. His shirt was off. I was just in a big T-Shirt. Oh no. not again. I get up and step away from the bed. Finn looks up at me. "You alright?" "We didn't-" "No. Dani, no." he laughs sitting up.

"Look, I'm sorry I kissed you yesterday. It was just in the moment thing. I promise I just want to be friends. We connect better as friends. I love spending time with you, I wouldn't want to jeopardize it." I calm a bit as I listen to him speak.

"Finn, I totally agree." I smile at him.

"But it is okay if we cuddle. Because I love cuddles." I laugh. "Me too!" I cuddle up next to him. It wasn't awkward at all. It didn't even feel like a romantic cuddle, a sexual cuddle, a couple cuddle or anything. It was just two friends having a cuddle. I loved this type of friendship. Nothing weird between us.

We were watching a comedy film. And I was just talking about Joe. "I really think you should talk to him. Be the bigger person and just do it. If he won't, you should. Show how much confidence you have." he says but I sigh. "But I don't have any confidence!"

He rolls his eyes. "He doesn't need to know that." I just laugh. He's right though.

Tyler opens the door. "Tyler join our cuddle!" I cheer. Tyler knows Finn and I are just friends. So he doesn't make any sexual remarks about us always hanging out. Which is good because I really don't like that. Finn is such a sweetheart and a great friend, but I love Joe.

Tyler runs and lays on Finn and I. "Cuddle Sandwich!" Finn yells and we all laugh.

Later in the afternoon, I decided to ring Joe.

Joe's POV
My phone starts ringing and I check to see who it is. Dani. Zoe looks over and sees who it is. "You better answer that." she eyes me. I freeze not knowing what to do.

Just then Zoe takes my phone and answers it, with it on speaker.

Zoe: Hey Dani!
Dani: Zoe? Hey. Does Joe not want to speak to me..
Zoe: No I just took his phone before he let it go to voicemail. Here he is.

She hands the phone to me, I take it off speaker.

Me: Hello.
Dani: Hi Joe.. how are you?
Me: Fine thanks. What's up?
Dani: Um could I see you?
my heart races.
Me: I dunno, I'm kind of-
Dani: Joe. Please. You haven't spoken to me in like a month. The least you could do is actually face me.
Joe: Alright, alright.

I agreed to meet her. I wasn't happy about it considering she probably just wanted to tell me in person that her and Finn are together now.

I'm sat at the little diner waiting for her to arrive.

I'm on my phone when I hear her voice.

"Hey." she says sitting in the chair across from me. I put my phone down and just force a smile on my face. "What's this about?" I say looking out the window. Then look at her. "You and Finn?"

She gives me a weird look, then starts laughing. "Finn and I are strictly just friends." Why do I not believe her. I roll my eyes. "You don't have to lie about this too. I saw you both kissing."

She gives me a glare. A look that says 'oh really'

"Just like all those other girls you kissed." she says giving a hateful smile. "We were broken up." I said looking her straight in the eye.

"Exactly." she says doing the same. "So why does it matter if Finn and I kiss?"

"Guess it doesn't." I shrug. She rolls her eyes at me. "I came here to talk to you about us. But I guess there just isn't one." she looks at me and I can tell she's hurt. I don't say anything. I don't show any sign of pain. "This whole act your pulling, is bullshit." she says. "What act?"

"The whole not caring act." she says folding her arms across her chest. "Not an act, love." I say followed by a sarcastic smile. "Fine, you don't care about me?" she says with an angered tone. I want to say I do. I want to say I love her. But nothing comes out.

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