ch. 5 What are feelings?

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Joe's POV
I woke up on Dani's chest, her arm around my neck, my arm around her waist. She was sleeping, I guess I must have fallen asleep too. but this wasn't the position I was in. She must have woken up. Which means she wanted me to stay?

I looked at my watch and it was a quarter pass 8. I should go. I try to get up without her waking up, but she does.

"What's going on?" she says in a sleepy voice still barely opening her eyes.

"Go back to sleep. I'm just heading off." I say getting out of the bed, pulling the covers over her. She whines a bit making me giggle. "I want you to stayyyy." she drags out the Y, but turns over and goes back to sleep.

She wants me to stay? Should I? Or was she just sleep talking? But wouldn't that be the truth?  I don't even know what I'm feeling. I want to stay, but that scares the hell out of me. So I end up leaving.

Dani's POV
Joe and I have been hanging out for about 2 weeks. With witty comments flirtatious jokes and a lot of laughing. We never really talked about that one night, where I'm pretty sure I told him to stay. Either way, he didn't stay, so I ignored that night. Didn't mention it, afraid of the way it made me feel, and afraid of the answer he would give me for leaving.

I did like hanging out with him, a lot. These past weeks of hanging out has been chilled. Just felt like friends hanging out. There might have been a few cuddles, and a few moments shared where we just gazed in each other's eyes, for as long as we could.

Joe's POV
I keep thinking about Dani. And how she makes me laugh. We have the same sense of humor and it's great. I love being with her. Maybe a little too much? do I have feelings for her?!

Dani's POV
"There's Dan and Phil!" Zoe says while waving to the two very tall guys. We're all at a casual party. Zoe Alfie Marcus and Louise and I go over to say hello to Dan and Phil whom I have yet to meet.
"Hey, I'm Dani."
"Dani? Well I'm Dan." he smiles. very cute he is.
"and I'm Phil."

We all get to talking and I'm hoping not to see Joe. I might have feelings for him and I don't know how I feel about that. "you alright, Dani?" Dan asks. "Yeah, great. Just lost in my thoughts." "Understandable my thoughts tend to take me away in social gatherings all the time." I laugh and we continue to banter.

Joe's POV
I see Dani laughing with Dan. And a strange heatwave forms in my body. Why am I feeling jealous? it's just Dani.. laughing with someone else. I try to ignore it and continue chatting with Caspar and Oli.

In the corner of my eye I see Dani walking towards me but instead walks pass me. Not even saying a hello? I turn around and catch up to her "Hey! Not gonna say hi?" I smile. But she just looks at me and says "Hey" then turns around and keeps walking. what the hell was that? I catch up to her again "Dani? you alright?" I say standing in front of her. "Fine, Joe." "You don't seem it. did I do something to upset you?"

"I've gotta go." she says walking pass me but I grab her arm and turn her around. "Dani..-" I say softly she doesn't even look me in the eye. "We shouldn't talk to each other anymore." she lets go of my grip and walks away. what the hell just happened?! My mind goes blank and I'm standing there like an idiot. No. I chase after her.

Dani's POV
i couldn't stand having these feelings for him. Even if it's only been two weeks. It's enough to catch them.
"Stop Dani. Stop pretending you don't feel something for me as well."
"That's the thing Joe, I don't want to."
"You don't want to? you can't just choose." he cups his hands around my face and a tear escapes my eye. "I'm scared." he lets out a sigh. "I know you are. I am too. " I suck in my lips then say "I don't want to get hurt."
"I won't hurt you." he looks in my eyes then leans in and softly kisses my forehead. "I'll take you home."

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