Ch. 18 Back home

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"Joe I would've been fine in-"
"I know you've said this about 100 times on the flight here. But I wanted to look after you and I couldn't stay in Florida because of the meetings I have here." Joe interrupts me laying me down in his bed.

"What about my meetings?" I smirked up at him. he laughed and rolled his eyes. "okay do you have amnesia or something? I told you they got rescheduled and most of them were transferred here."

"I know, I just like hearing your voice." I smile at him and he smiles back, taking my hand and kissing the back of it.

"Zoe and Alfie are coming over, Caspar is out and I have to go in town for the day to meet up with people for some meetings. They're gonna watch over you while I'm out." he says while looking in his closet. I fold my arms and pout my lip. "I'm not a baby."

He turns around and smiles then chuckles a bit. "I know babe but you just got out of the hospital like what? 3 days ago. " I roll my eyes and unfold my arms then pull the covers over my face.

I hear Joe walk to the bed then he gets in bed with me, under the covers. I face him and smile. "I'll miss you." I say. He places a kiss on my lips and I smile even wider. "I'll miss you more. I feel bad for leaving." "Joe, it's okay, I promise. You literally haven't left my side in the past couple of days. You need to get out." We both laugh then he gets out of bed back to his closet.

He finds a shirt he likes then takes off the one he's wearing. Of course I watch him, I mean, who wouldn't? He turns around to find me watching and smirks at me. I lock eyes with him. "Or yanno you could stay and reschedule what you have to do." I say looking him up and down but joking of course.

He lets out a chuckle then puts his shirt on. His phone goes off. "They're here, hold on." he says while walking upstairs.

Joe's POV
I walk upstairs to see that Zoe and Alfie have already let themselves in. "Oh yes come in then." I sarcastically say while they laugh and we exchange hellos.

"How is she?  I wish we could have stayed in Florida longer to be there with her." Zoe says with kind of a sad look.

They all had to leave 2 days after Dani got into the hospital. "She's good. And, trust me it's okay that you guys weren't there. I pretty much made up for your lack of presence. I've been with her 24/7 I think she's getting sick of me." I say and we laugh.

I look at my watch. "I better get going." I go downstairs to say bye to Dani who has fallen asleep. The pain medicine the hospital prescribed her makes her kinda sleepy.

I smile as I watch her sleep. Her body curled up in a ball with the blankets pulled up to her nose. I lean down and give her a kiss on her forehead gently. Then head off.

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