Ch. 48 I Spy a Kiss

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Finn's POV
I feel bad for bringing Dani to lunch with us. She didn't want to come but I told her it would be fine. I dunno what happened.

Just then I got a text.

Danicorn🦄: Can we leave? I can't go back out there.

Danicorn is Dani's name in my phone. It's like Dani and Unicorn together, just an inside joke.

"I'm gonna take Dani back, she's not feeling too well." Tyler looks at me and understands what's happened. They all just pout a bit, but they know it's because of Joe. I stand up and Zoe follows me. "Is she alright?" I shrug. "I think it's just Joe." I say and Zoe sighs. "Right. Well, tell her we have some catching up to do, okay?" I smile at her, "I will."

I meet Dani outside the restaurant. Her eyes a bit red, her eyeshadow and eyeliner have been removed. "What's happened?" she faces me after I ask.

"He's been with other girls." she states. I give her a 'how do you know' look. "I heard him." she says still with a straight face. I place my hand on her cheek.

"I'm sorry I made you come."
"Finn it's okay. I needed to face him somehow." she smiles. I do have a tiny bit of feelings for her, but I know it would not work out. I'm okay with that though.

"I hate seeing you so upset." she doesn't look at me. I lean in and place a soft kiss on her lips. She doesn't back up, she lets me. I pull away. "I'm sorry, I just needed to give you that."

She looks up at me. "Let's just go." we finally leave.

Joe's POV
I feel bad for saying what I said. She shouldn't have found out that way. Finn says he's taking Dani back, because she isn't feeling good. But I know it's because of me. Since when is she so buddy buddy with Finn? Why didn't she ask Tyler? I would've been much happier if Tyler was the one taking her.

"Do you think she heard you?" Caspar asks. I shrug. "Stop acting like you don't care." he says in a more angrier tone. I just look at him. He's right. I keep acting like it doesn't affect me. Thinking I would start believing it.

"I need to wee." I say standing up. But I just wanted to see if Dani has left yet. I wanted to speak to her, apologize for letting her overhear my conversation.

I see her through the glass doors. With Finn. His hand is on her cheek. I gulp trying to calm the flames that are shooting around in my stomach. Just then they kiss. They are a thing.

I bite my lip looking down at the ground then heading back to the table.

"You alright Joe?" Marcus asks me. I flash a smile. "Yeah good."

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